
Sep 4, 2013

Shopping Extravaganza

A few days ago I got an email about an activity that looks like lots of fun! Not that I'm an addicted shopper or anything, but I do love a bargain. There is a new shopping area here in the valley called The Outlets of Traverse Mountain. I guess they are actually on the other side of the Point of the Mountain from here, but they are still pretty close and certainly within traveling distance for a fun day out.

All the stores have gotten together to host their first annual Shopping Extravaganza to benefit local charities. Some of the amazing groups they are donating to include the Boys and Girls Club, Child Help Wasatch Front Utah Chapter, Friends of the Food & Care Coalition, Habitat for Humanity of Utah, Kid History Foundation, Make-A-Wish Utah, Project Read, Utah Foster Care Foundation, Yes! Utah Organ Donor Registry and Youth Making a Difference.

This specific event is on Saturday, September 14 from 10:00 - 4:00. The tickets cost $15, but that includes lunch, a dessert bar, live entertainment, and five free prize tickets for a chance to win tons of awesome prizes! And it always feels good to know that I'm helping out those terrific charities just by sharing this event with all of you!

To get more information or to buy tickets, visit their website here. My sweetie and I are planning to attend and we won't even have to miss Sport's football game! Registration goes from 10 - 1, but you can shop all day. Hopefully we will see you there! Make sure to say hello if you see us.

**I received 2 free tickets to this event, but this post was not required.**