
Sep 4, 2013

Teach in Texas

I was so happy today to get a minute to email with Teach! Her new mission president isn't as strict as the old one about the e-chat. She was so excited! They had been to Dallas today to visit the temple there. It is the first time since she arrived in Texas and she was not disappointed.

Hey! It's me! (: We went to the Dallas temple today and it was amazing!! The church is true and I love all y'all. (: 

She also has had a little time to really think about her life and I was a little surprised with her ideas.

A little basketball on P-day
I love the people in my district. (: They are such wonderful people and I'm excited that we get to be lifelong (aka eternity long) friends. It is so wonderful that there are always new people to meet. I have realized lately that I can do ANYTHING in my life. I also had a life plan (which I will likely stick pretty close to) but I can really do whatever I want in this world. If I want to pick up everything and go teach English in Yugoslavia... I could. If I wanted to change my major and go to school to be a chemical engineer... I could. The world is open to many opportunities. It's so super cool. Anyway. Random thought. (:

She is doing so well! They have a baptism scheduled for Saturday and they have been working with several investigators. Her attitude is awesome and she is such a good missionary. We are so proud of her.

Ok. It's time for me to get off. Quick update though. 
We saw Bob again. Turns out he wasn't ignoring us (but he really was) but he is having a rough time. I put his name on the prayer roll at the temple. Prayers would be great. 

Brother Hubbard thought he was going to die before his birthday... good news is that he lived!!!! (: (: (: 

God: 1 Satan: 0

Chalk Drawing - The Plan of Salvation
A member gave us girl scout cookies. Samoas in August are awesome. (: 

Of course Sophie is going to be baptized on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I love you so so much. I probably ... maybe won't have time to write a letter today. Things are pretty mixed up from the temple. But I love you all. (: Keep us in your prayers. We are going to have a bomb spiritual week. 

A little jealous about the Samoas...

1 comment:

  1. I always love reading her comments because they are so upbeat. Thanks for sharing her positive attitude with us and I'm glad she is doing so great.
