
May 7, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

Today is my SIL, Gamer's birthday, but we took advantage of the ease of getting the family together on a Sunday and celebrated it then. It was convenient that it was also Cinco de Mayo since that is one of the holidays we have always enjoyed.

I think I've told you before that I typically send my SIL to the Hispanic store to buy our annual pinata because he can speak fluent Spanish and he is Hispanic so they give him a better price. We got this huge Batman pinata for $17 and I'm sure they would have charged me at least $25.

I picked up some candy on Saturday when I was at Sam's Club as well as the rest of the fixins' I needed for chicken chimis. It is such an easy recipe and it feels pretty authentic. Bossy made bean dip and I stepped way outside the box and made a Tres Leches cake. (Really I just stole the recipe from Martha Stewart.) But it turned out pretty delicious and the kids raved about it. I would have eaten a second piece, but I knew how many calories it had in it so I decided to pass.

When my sister and I first started having babies, we had this game of giving the niece or nephew a really annoying gift, like a baseball or something that made irritating noises. When my sister stopped having babies, I took up this fun little game with Bossy. Things like hammers and anything with sirens and flashing lights...all of these make Bossy just roll her eyes at me.

Isn't he cute?
But this time I think I definitely won the game. We gave Gamer two pairs of genuine boxing gloves! The kids thought they were great! I'm not sure what Gamer thought. They spent half an hour or so slugging at each other, laughing and giggling. Then Drama Queen decided she wanted to play so they laced her into the gloves.

That's why I married him!
With her very first hit she knocked Sport to the ground and he started bawling. My sweetie was appalled. "You weren't really supposed to hit him!" he accused. "It's just a game, like acting." Drama Queen was very apologetic as she helped pack up the gloves to send to Bossy's house.

Fortunately there was no permanent damage done and before long Sport was outside playing with the kids. We had a great time with our combined Fiesta/birthday party.

All that violence...first the pinata, then the boxing was almost like the reason Cinco de Mayo was honored in the first place, to celebrate the victory of a war...
or maybe a boxing match.


  1. When I did my meal planning I didn't even think about the fact that Cinco de Mayo was coming.... but we ended up with Chicken Fajitas & Guacamole to celebrate! I felt so festive when I realized that I had done that :) Chris was pretty impressed as well that I had planned that out!

    Your Cinco de Mayo seems a little more legit than ours, but what a fun day! Hopefully Gamer likes his boxing gloves :) Seriously, some day I am coming up to your house and crashing one of your big holiday parties!

  2. You really do have such fun events for your family. I loved this one. I am afraid if we had boxing gloves around for our grandkids; it could be a disaster. Loved the picture and blessings to you all!
