
May 6, 2013

Princess's Gold Award

Remember way last summer when Princess did her two-week dance camp for kids? That was her project for her Girl Scout Gold Award. The Gold Award is kind of like the Eagle Scout for boys except in my humble opinion it's much harder since the Girl Scouts worry way more about sustainability.

Anyway, Princess finished up the project last fall and turned in all of her paperwork. Yesterday was the huge Recognition of Excellence luncheon for the 8 girls in the state of Utah who earned their Gold Awards this year.

I was so proud of Princess! She and I and Baby Doll were the first ones to head off for the Salt Lake Hilton downtown. Princess was supposed to wander about and be a good example for all the little Girl Scouts so they would wanted to be like her when they grow up.

Drama Queen took Scout to her softball game in Riverton and then they drove to the Hilton. The Drama Queen was also receiving her 5-year leader pin although they didn't even mention any of their names, so that was kind of silly but she did get her meal and Scout's meal free, so I guess that's OK. .

The boys all went to the Scout-O-Rama with Bossy which was fine by me because we would have had to pay for their meals at $30 each. All 8 of us got into the Luncheon for free because each award recipient got to take one guest with them.

My sweetie took Prima Donna and Crafty to Lagoon for their dance competition and then they were supposed to join us downtown because the two of them were also getting awards. Crafty had earned her Bronze Award, and Prima Donna was receiving her 10-year girl pin. Unfortunately, they got stuck and didn't get to the hotel in time to be honored for their own awards and they missed seeing Princess get hers by about 5 minutes.

We had an awesome server at our table and he kindly held their meals so at least they were able to eat the delicious food.We had chicken as the entree and Baby Doll was terribly insistent on cutting her own even though she had never handled a knife and fork that way before. I was surprised how good she was at it given that it was her first time. She let me help her a little until suddenly she shouted, "I do it myself!" I was very grateful it was during a video with loud music instead of during the CEO's speech.

When Princess went in for her interview, they made a bunch of video about her project and we got to watch that on the big screen. She is so poised and together even knowing that she is speaking before a group of about 300 - 400 people. She was called up on stage and they presented her with several certificates including one from the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Utah. She also received a beautiful gold pin and a bouquet of flowers. I think she was most excited about the flowers.

I love the scouting programs! They are such a good way to teach kids about many different subjects and to help them learn about leadership and friendship. And maybe how to cut a piece of chicken with a knife and fork...even when you are only 2. Now that's sustainability!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome, congrats to your girls on their awards! The only stuff I knew about Girl Scouts before meeting you was that they sold delicious cookies, I'll have to look up more about them before baby girl is old enough to join! If only you could be her Girl Scout leader!
