
May 8, 2013


You know my kids just LOVE the Scout-O-Rama! Well, they were devastated to learn that it was the Girl Scout Recognition of Excellence luncheon and the Scout-O-Rama were on the same day. That meant they had to choose...mostly.

So Bossy agreed to take Curly and Sport with her and her boys to the Scout-O-Rama. She made lunches for them and they planned to make a day of it. She stopped by about 9:30 to pick them up. Then you know the story of how we went downtown, ate a delicious lunch at a nice hotel, watched Princess be honored...blah blah blah....

Well the minute we were finished, Scout started pestering me about going to the Scout-O-Rama. My sweetie wasn't available because he had to take Crafty, Prima Donna, and Princess to Lagoon so they could complete their dance competition. Drama Queen was decidedly against meeting up with Bossy that is until I offered to take Scout and Baby Doll. Then suddenly she thought it might be ok too.

I called the Dog Walker and asked him if he wanted to join us at the convention center and bring me a decent pair of shoes. I really didn't want to walk around it my dress-up shoes. It was bad enough that I was still in my skirt. He agreed and we converged on the convention center in three different vehicles.

We got there about 2:00. That left us a couple of hours to enjoy the fun. We found Bossy and the 5 boys right away. They were busy making puppets. After a quick puppet show we crossed the aisle to the Geology Belt Loop booth. That's what I love about the Scout-O-Rama. The kids are having so much fun they don't even realize they are learning something at the same time.

We made goop, tossed bean bags, hammered nails, pounded leather, played with remote controlled Legos, and climbed into a real police car. The kids even got a chance to ride in a Cubmobile. Have I told you yet that my sweetie is making those for our next pack meeting? They are kind of like go-carts that are big enough for the boys to ride with lawnmower wheels and 2 x 4s for the hand brake.

We wandered and played until almost 4:00. By then I was exhausted, but so were the kids. About half of them fell asleep in the car on the way home, which was fine by me!


  1. You are one busy family - I don't know how you do it half the time!

  2. I remember the Scout O Rama's. You really know how to divide and conquer and have fun too. The closing picture tells it all. What a day you had.
