
Nov 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

This first pic is from our Charlie Brown Thanksgiving lunch. Teach found the idea of putting the popcorn in a grocery sack on Pinterest. Drama Queen thought it would be fun to cover the tables in white paper and have everyone write what they loved about that person at their place setting.

We spent an hour at lunch just talking and laughing while the real turkey cooked away in the kitchen. After we cleaned up lunch, the girls helped me make the party bags for Scout's birthday party on Monday. They are so cute! I will show you all my great ideas the first of the week.
We didn't get around to eating dinner until almost 7:00. We had games and movies and just plain family togetherness all day long. That's what I'm thankful for.

Hope your day was amazing too.

Dancing on the table!

All my kids can fill up the entire pew from my livingroom!
And their feet can fill up the whole table... good thing dinner was already over!
 Who taught these kids manners anyway?!

1 comment:

  1. Precious family and too beautiful kids! We had a nice thanksgiving too. Praise God for His blessings:-)
