
Nov 24, 2012

Enjoying my Weekend

Can you believe I've actually dreaded this weekend and all I had to accomplish? Now that I've survived Thanksgiving, Scout's birthday, and preparation for the Pinewood Derby, I'm feeling pretty good! Teach and the other girls even helped me prep all my Tupperware for the big boutique I signed up for next Saturday.

We managed to get all the gift bags done for Scout's party on Monday and the little snowman necklace kits I ordered from Oriental Trading Company arrived yesterday. I called all the kids on my Jr. Jazz team because our season also starts next Saturday. I made the certificates for the Pinewood Derby and I embroidered the last of the hats today. I even made the reminders that have to go out on Tuesday!

I also sorted out Baby Doll's clothes that were no longer fitting her and convinced Drama Queen to help Curly do his. We moved the furniture in the girls' bedroom and Prima Donna did a complete overhaul on the office, including cleaning out the closet.

There is still much to do, including helping the Dog Walker finish up the last of the semester, but things are looking pretty good today.

So good, in fact, I think I've earned myself a nice long bath.

And I'm putting my cell phone on silent...


  1. Oh gosh, I'd forgotten all about the Pinewood Derby. I vaguely remember my brother and my dad painting his, but I definitely remember the whole family heading up to the school to watch the race!
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane! =]

  2. So glad you enjoyed your weekend!

    Happy Monday!
