
Nov 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Guess what I've been doing all evening!

Ever since I learned to make pies about 10 years ago, I spend the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving baking pies. It takes about six hours to make the dough from scratch, then make all the fillings and put them together. Although I confess that this year the apple and cherry fillings are from cans.

It's a lot of work and every year my sweetie suggests that he would be OK if I wanted to buy pie rather than make it. I'm pretty sure he's just being nice because I know he loves my pecan pie. But every year I remind him that the only time during the year I make pie is at Thanksgiving, so I relegate myself to the kitchen while the kids watch a movie.

Only this year it was different. Princess wanted to learn to make pie. Cooking and teaching is always more fun than just doing it by yourself, and Princess is a good student. She mostly watched me mix up the crust, but when it was time to roll it and crimp it, she was right there. After a few minutes, hers looked just like a professional job.

Once we finished the four pecan and five pumpkin pies and put them in the oven, it was time for the apple and cherry. Princess is so wonderfully creative! After rolling the top layer for the cherry, she cut out a little star for the cherries to peek through and then she cut a few more just to make it pretty. For added shine, we decided to dip the stars in cinnamon and sugar first.

She was so pleased with that one, she decided to do a lattice on the apple. Then she sprinkled the last of the cinnamon and sugar over the top. They all came out perfect! It was hard to keep from cutting and devouring one tonight.

Next year I'm hoping I won't even have to ask...
she'll be right there with her rolling pin before I even have time to measure the first cup of flour.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of pies!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Love it when the kids are old enough to help!
    My 12 year old helped make the sweet potatoes and stuffing. He's a good cook anyway, but now he knows hos t make two more things :)

  3. Making pies from scratch is a labor of love..We have marionberris frozen just for that, I tenderly make the doughs then the star of the pie is put into the pie shells with love, baked to perfection..given to fussy people who are alone on turkey day, with a full turkey dinner, we sit and chat and I always clean the litter boxes and do a load of laundry,the lady is almost 100 and sharp as a tack, she loves to have me in and is so fussy, we have a blast, my hubbs has food and a pie of course comes down with more food for her for the week and we sit and visit some more, the cat will only let me pet her and fuss over her..I make sure her tree is up for chrismas and she has all her dvd's she loves ready to pop into the tv. I get her what she needs thru the year, I have no parents nor my husband and she is family to me, she likes to stay in her home with her cat and I call and visit a lot to make sure she is safe and happy. I don't think I will live until her age and it is a real honor and privelege to love and spoil her..I love making pies and do with love in my heart I am told they are great to eat your making pies to me a big labor of love and a lost art indeed! May God continue to bless you and your husband and children, they have wonderful wonderful parents who teach them many skills lost in our society, many children don't know how to cook, bake, roast, sew, mend or anything. shame shame, how can they live at all? not in your home at all..Loving, God loving parents together who cherish each other!
