
Nov 15, 2012

Guest Blogger: Everyone's Favorite Music by Dog Walker

Mom had to take a break from blogging, because she is exhausted after helping me with my homework. So she asked me to guest blog for tonight. Some people say that I may be a little obsessed with famous music artists and bands, but I wanted to talk about everyone's favorite music. Just for a quick post. Enjoy!

One of my dad's favorite bands is called KISS.

My mom loves Scouts and a song called Boy Scout Rap

My older sister Bossy's and brother-in-law Gamer's favorite band is called Train. 

My older brother Gym Rat's favorite band is called Mayday Parade.

My older sister, Drama Queen's favorite band is called Bon Jovi.

My older sister, Teach's favorite band is called OK

My favorite band/music artist mostly, besides One Direction, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber, is Owl City.

  My younger sister, Princess's favorite band is called One Direction.

Same goes for my other younger sister, Prima Donna. Her favorite band is One Direction too.


My younger sister, Crafty's favorite music artist is Taylor Swift.


My younger brother, Sport's favorite band is kind of One Direction, just like Princess and Prima Donna. That's okay, a band or music artist can be everyone's favorite.

My younger sister, Scout's favorite is Taylor Swift, just like Crafty's is.


 My younger brother, Curly's favorite music artist, Justin Bieber.

 And my younger sister, Baby Doll's favorite band called Fun.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. I thought it would be fun to show everyone's favorite music.  If you like any of these videos, then let me know!


  1. Wow, that was a very fun post. I can't imagine what it would be like to hear all of this wonderful music all at once. I think that would wake your mother up for sure.
    Loved the pictures and the music.
    Blessings to your Mom and all of you!

  2. Just so we are clear on this. Oh sorry this is Gamer. I am not that big into Train unlike some ppl think i am. Bossy really like Kings of Leon and I am a more Heavy Metal person. I like the classics of Metallica, Primus,Pantera and so on. But I will will listen to anything that is music just not country or that new crap on the scene. I mean rap music by that.

  3. What a fun post! I seem to recall a post very similar to this on Dog Walker's blog once, and I know that that time I actually took the time to listen to each of the songs he shared.

    I would love to see a follow up post where each person actually says who their favorite is, especially since a comment from Gamer contradicts this post, and you posted something later about your Sweetie's favorite :)
