
Nov 14, 2012

Ready for Thanksgiving?

I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving! Why is November zooming by so quickly? I have been trying to get the house in a little better order before we get out all of the decorations for Christmas, but things just keep getting in the way. It seems like I have something nearly every night.

Tonight I had a Tupperware training meeting. I was a little excited to go this time because my manager had already whispered to me that I was the winner of a turkey dinner for having the highest personal sales in our group for the first two weeks of November. (I was actually number 87 in the nation last week!)

So after collecting my loot, I headed straight home and got ready for volleyball. We practice every Tuesday night from 9:00 - 10:30ish.  Now it's nearly 1:00 AM and I'm trying to put together a coherent post while listening to the Dog Walker read to me from his Psychology book.

Tomorrow is a church meeting and Thursday I will be playing volleyball all night in the co-ed tournament. And Friday is Disney on Ice! The kids are so excited about that one. Saturday we are teaching the Girl Scout troop to use power tools and make a pinewood derby car. We also have open hours for the Cub Scout pack in case they want to use the saws and sander. I have a Tupperware party in the evening and a Bountiful Basket and Lowe's class in the morning.

Sometime this weekend I need to squeeze in a concert so that the Dog Walker can finish the last one for his Music class. And it just goes on and on like that.

I really need more sleep.

***I just read this again now in the light of day. Man, I'm getting a bit whiny! Sorry about that. I promise to be more positive tomorrow.***


  1. Wow, you are a hard worker! Way to go mom of 12!

  2. I didn't catch any "whiny" parts, I caught that this was real life and you were telling it like it was/is!

    I am so not ready for Thanksgiving. It doesn't seem like it should be here yet. Good thing I don't have to make a whole lot for our Thanksgiving Dinner! We're getting together with friends and I just have to take Stuffing and Rolls. For only 4 adults. :)
