
Oct 29, 2012

Love those Caramel Apples!

I told you yesterday that we had tons of fun making caramel apples. Bossy and I unwrapped hundreds of caramels thinking we were doing it the "easy" way. The kids poked the sticks and then dunked them in caramel. I had to laugh a bit at Gamer.

He was sure the only apple to put caramel on was a Granny Smith. So we washed a bunch of them and then I pulled out a bag of Red Delicious. I was betting on my bag.
And I was right! Almost all the kids chose the red apples over the green. Our biggest problem was that the caramel started to set up before we could get 18 apples dipped. I guess we should have rewarmed it, but the kids loved the fact that they could lay it on thick!
Prima Donna and Crafty
I love this tradition, even though the only time I had a caramel apple as a kid was when we were trick-or-treating. An older lady about three houses down from us made dozens of them for all the kids. We could choose between caramel and candy apples, the candy apples being dunked in something red. I don't believe I ever went for anything but the straight caramel.
Baby Doll
We would have to eat them before we got to the next house, but that usually wasn't a problem.
The was quite a distance between the houses in my hometown. Hope you enjoy the Halloween festivities this week. I know we still have a few plans for fun. But one of these days I'm going to have to stop playing and just clean my house. Maybe in November...


  1. I hate to clean so I clean a little each day, just the hubbs and two cats who think I am their maid!!!!!!!!!! IT is raining like the dickens, snow in the mountains and cold, then warm out, fallis almost over, winter is coming...Ski seasonwill open early for employment for many, went when I was a wee one, never understood why people would don clothes, get nearly frozen to death almost breaking ribs, arms, legs, thighs and rest and get warm clothes to do it again, and it cost little money well the Ortho doctor made lots of money and I happened to have a gal friend whose dad did that for aliving I only went two times and never broke a bone and thought it all a bunch of you know what...I stayed in the lodge and read and sipped hot apple caramel drinks, yummmmmmeee.. Your carmel apples loook great and I am going to give it a try got some marzetti dip for only a buck at the grocery picked up two, just pop in a microwave dish and put the granny smiths in we love them here or the honeycrips, let them set up and voila yummmmmmeee. Have a wonderful halloween, we get few of them, it is a wednesday school is top priority but most people don't allow their little ones out for the holiday too cold and too dangerous...suppose to rain like crazy on Halloween, Now for cleaning there is always turkey day, hanukkah and christmas and new years, in the dark fall.winter I am not fastidious about cleaning it will always be there to do lol, take care..God's Blessings to you and your hubby and lovely sweet cildren..~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The pictures are priceless and what a fun activity. I love caramel apples. I can tell you really enjoyed this family moment.
    Blessings and hugs!This was a fun one.

  3. I've always loved caramel apples but lately as I've gotten older, I'd rather dip my apple in the caramel. Those pictures are precious!

  4. It looks like you guys are having fun as well. thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. think I've only had one or two caramel apples in my whole 47 years - but as an adult I have dipped apple wedges in caramel a few times (does that count?).

    we had an old man in my neighborhood, who on Halloween made kids (with their parents of course) come inside, and sing him a song before treats were handed out. we never wanted to go there, but Mom always told us we had to. she knew this man was lonely, and so looked forward to visiting with the trick-or-treaters!

    I now look back on those times with very fond memories. maybe I should start doing something like that?!! LOL :)
