
Oct 28, 2012


After a miserable night, I convinced my sweetie to get up this morning and go to the InstaCare. It appears that he has a couple of cracked ribs, and no, they can't do anything for him. He is pretty miserable!

On to happier things... Sport's team won their football game today, so we will have at least a playoff to see if they make the playoffs. There are three teams in a three-way tie. Prima Donna got home from her CEO Camp in one piece. I will see if she will guest blog for me so she can tell you all about it. And we spent a good part of the day playing.

One of our favorite things to do every Halloween is trick-or-treat at Macey's. Not Macy's the department store, but Macey's the grocery store. They are a small chain in Utah, but they do tons of things to help and serve in the community. This year instead of having their treats on Halloween, they decided the Saturday before would be better. They also arranged to hold the event outside in a traditional trunk-or-treat fashion.

The treats were awesome! The kids got fruit snacks and granola bars, glow sticks and chips and cookies. A few pieces of candy, root beer, and a chance to frost their own cookie rounded out the festivities. The kids loved it! Except that the lines were a bit too long.
Even the older girls got in on the fun. Princess wore her beautiful Homecoming dress with a sash that read "Homecoming Queen, 2012" on it. And they gave everybody treats, even the Dog Walker! We finished the evening making caramel apples, playing games, and watching The Great Pumpkin. I'll put up some apple pics tomorrow. These are from the Trunk-or-Treat. Hope you are all enjoying the fun Halloween season!

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, look at how cute Curly is as a little pumpkin! I love the idea of Trunk or Treat. For one thing, my town was always so cold to Trick-or Treat in... but just so much safer and friendlier too!
