
Oct 30, 2012

I got a Package!

Know what was in it? Fifteen complimentary tickets to Disney on Ice, 100 Years of Magic! Can you believe it? They even gave us enough for Bossy's family to join us this time! The kids are so excited. Most of them don't remember when we went last time. OK, most of them weren't even born...

We are planning to go on opening night and let me tell you, they have discount tickets available for that day only. You can get great seats for only $12, that's not much more than a movie! And watch for us, we will all be wearing our blog shirts. If you see us, stop and say "Hi." We would love to meet you in person!

The show starts on Wednesday, November 14 and runs through Sunday, Nov. 18 in Salt Lake City at the Energy Solutions Arena. They try to accommodate everyone, with plenty of shows including 3 on Saturday. If you don't live in Utah, I'm sure they will be visiting your state soon too. For tickets, head to the box office at the arena or stop by SmithTix. Teach is still working customer service so she will help you out.

** I am a Feld Family Ambassador and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events. Even though I received these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine. **


  1. I won a pkg one year from a great radio station am and got to my big surprise 30 tickets, every kid in the neighborhood plus my daughters friends go to go..It would have cost over $500.00 plus we took grammas too! I would win tickets to hockey games, basketball games, those were the days, they don't even have the radio station on the dial anymore..I like the fact you get nice things for your family to enjoy, wholesome Disney events, etc..Kudos to you..when I entered those radio contests, I could remember the songs from my teen years and called in and won immediately it was so much fun..Good Luck & God's Blessings to you for your resourcefulness in getting nice tickets to family friendly events, enjoy the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think you treat your family so well, if more Moms and Dads would watch for nice family friendly events for their kids, going together enjoying the awes and oohhs we would have stronger families...We jumped at any chance to go with our daughter and her friends too, Gramma got to go alot, those were the days, the radio station shut down I felt bad, listened to it all thru high school picking strawberries and green beans for school clothes, it was a hoot..ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH THE DISNEY SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I am still so jealous! I hope you have such a great time at Disney on Ice, and I can't wait to hear your review of it. I want to go see one so bad, I hope they come here sometime!
