
Jun 25, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Bored Scout
We have an awesome thing at our house. Teach works in the Customer Service center at Smith's. That means she sells all kinds of tickets for SmithTix. So a couple of weeks ago she called me from work. "Want to go to a Bees (baseball) game?" Now you all know I LOVE baseball, but we usually can't afford to see the real games, even Triple A.

Wiggly Curly
"How much?" I asked, afraid for the answer. "Five bucks each!" she exclaimed, "And that includes a hot dog." The only deal was that it had to be a Monday night in June. Of course we bought tickets right away (OK, I did call Bossy first to see if she wanted to get in on the deal).

Tonight was the big game. The Bees were playing Reno. The game itself was awesome! The wiggling kids were not. Nobody under the age of 8 except for Baby Doll could hold still for more than 20 seconds at a time. And they certainly weren't watching the game (as you can see from the pictures). I, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoyed the game. Teach got us awesome seats right on the first base line. We were only 16 rows up. I could have kept score!

Princess...Who wouldn't want her number?
You got me a hot dog???
The older kids seemed to enjoy themselves. Princess was trying to get the phone number of the boy behind us...
Drama Queen spent most of the time texting on her phone....
Teach kept asking me silly questions...I swear she played this game when she was little, why doesn't she remember the rules now?
I think the Dog Walker used every restroom on the lower deck.
And I'm pretty sure Curly drank out of every single water bottle which means we will all be sick with boogery noses tomorrow.

I never get to sit by my sweetie at events like this.
But I'd do it all again in a heartbeat just to watch one play. The Bees player on third was running for home as the ball was coming to the plate. The catcher caught it and we all held our breath as he went for the tag. But I think that runner grew wings because he practically flew around the catcher on his stomach and snagged the other side of the plate before the catcher could get him.

It was so awesome!

Even better than my box of Cracker Jack (I bought them at the grocery store and we ate them in the van for about a tenth of the cost at the ballpark).

For a few minutes I felt like a kid again.


  1. What fun for all and at such a decent price. I love baseball at any level.
    I kind of bring my own munchies to the movies for the same reason.

  2. What a fun time! I'm happy you and your family got to enjoy the game!

  3. This is one of our favorite pastimes. We will take our boys to several games this year. Mark can watch the entire game without getting distracted. Dax on the other hand . . .

  4. That sounds like so much fun! And all the distracted kids sounds just like my family! Haha.

  5. If you think that was fun then you would have died for my game! Front row along the first base line! Got a ball but had to give it to the kid behind us! Got autographs from most of the team! Sadly no fireworks though!

  6. If you think that was fun then you would have died for my game! Front row along the first base line! Got a ball but had to give it to the kid behind us! Got autographs from most of the team! Sadly no fireworks though!

  7. Wonderful you got those tickets and hot dog for $5.00 Mariner tickets in Seattle, WA are prohibitive got to go 3 times our daughter got tickets to each one free, food free, but the cost of those tickets for 3 people and the food I think were over $300.00 she worked for a public relations firm got free tickets to everything, harbor cruises, cruises up to nearly Alaska, dinners out, lots of nice things..I would not buy crackerjacks at Safeco field they were $6.00 a box, the hot dogs were about $15.00 we had dinner in a bowl with real old time lemonade one time and garlic fries the cost was free for us but the paying customers paid enormously, a pizza for one was nearly $20.00 who pays for this stuff with a family most can only watch on tv up in Seattle or go when given tickets, oh, my it always sounds like your family pulls together and helps each other out, that is what we do in our tiny family (compared to yours)tooo bad others don't think of their Mommas and Daddys and siblings. Would make the family unit I think IMHO stronger and more loving, love your blog!

  8. I love reading your posts and I am smiling on this one.........I can't imagine handling all of your children at a game. I actually grew up on a baseball field. My father was the coach of the town team in Richfield. I had the most fun playing under the bleachers. I too love to watch a real live game. I think we need to go to a Bee's game this year.
    Loved this one! Blessings and hugs too!

  9. I love baseball games too! I'm glad that you got to go and that you had so much fun.


  10. Another great outing! And isn't it wonderful to find and enjoy those moments that brings us back to feeling like a kid!! Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times :-)
