
Jun 25, 2012

Another Birthday Party

So Prima Donna was wishy-washy about a birthday party.

I think she wanted to have one, she just didn't like any of my suggestions. Since she is turning 14, a dance party or a late-night seemed like a good idea. No, that's not what she wanted. It took her several days before she came up with the idea of a tea party.

At first I thought she was crazy. These big girls didn't want to have a tea party!  Boy, was I wrong...

Her plan was to have the kids (I say kids because as you can clearly see, one of these is a guy), decorate cupcakes and then eat them with sparkling cider and a few other items. So she passed out the invitations. I went to the dollar store and bought some cheap pink plates, forks, and napkins. I bought fresh fruit and cheese. Princess made the cupcakes and I mixed up a couple of batches of frosting.

All the kids pitched in, cleaning the house and helping set up the tables. We used cloth tablecloths and our fancy long-stemmed glasses. I was too cheap to buy real sparkling cider so we mixed Sprite Zero with apple juice.

The party was awesome! The kids were well-behaved and seemed to enjoy themselves. Cheese was the item of choice and they went through about 2 lbs of it. They also loved the fresh pineapple and watermelon.

Her friends were very generous and they gave her tons of nice things. I love mostly grown-up kid parties. I just have to sit around and make sure they are chaperoned. Especially when one (or two) of them turns out to be a boy.


  1. What a surprisingly fun idea! :) It sounds like it turned out wonderfully! :)

  2. What a unique and fun idea for a party. Clever girl.
    Happy Birthday.

  3. I love that idea, sounds like it was a fun party.

  4. The cupcakes look yummy, the drinks wow whee, tasteee..Good for your daughter, it looked like a lot of fun, relaxed and nice, with her friends..wonderful! Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter, you are a terrific Mother and kind to your kids, they will remember how nice and loving you are to them long after birthdays come and go...many kids don't have a Mother or a Father who is there to love, guide and care for them, you are terrific and your daughter is all the better for it..Happy Birthday to your sweet gal!

  5. That looks like real fun. I love the cupcakes! I'll suggest that kind of party to my daughter when she turns 14 :)
