
Jun 7, 2012

Put First Things First

As a mom, I find it is difficult to fit everything into 24 hours a day. Sleep is usually the thing that I miss out on, but sometimes it's other things. 

Have you ever seen that object lesson at church maybe where the teacher first shows a jar of sand or salt and it looks full? Then they dump out the sand and put in several big rocks. Amazingly, they then pour in the sand and it all fits!

The kids decided to illustrate this point just for me. That green basket holds balls and normally it is pretty full. But when we dumped it out and put Baby Doll in first, the balls still fit! Sort of...

Well, maybe it's not the best object lesson, but the pictures are cute.

Have a happy Friday!


  1. I love this. What a cutie! I miss the days my little ones played in a toy box. Now it's video games and laptops. Sigh. I should have another one! :)

  2. What a cute take on an old experiment.

  3. She is too cute, I love these pictures!

  4. What adorable pictures! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy no school next week!

  5. Your baby doll is a doll, how you maintain your saniety, cook nutritious meals, have a decent home clean at that to live in with many children, teaching them your spiritual values as well and stay pleasant is to me a miracle. If other women would quit complaining and take their role as a wife and mother seriously we would have happier and healthier and educated children. Hip Hip Hoorah for you, never get the hint of anything other than love and affection for your hubby and children and you seem to be grateful and appreciative for all your many blessings, good and not so good, have a wonderful next week with no school and have a nice summer in Utah!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Love the pictures! Your little girl is adorable.

  7. Ha! I think that's a PERFECT object lesson! I learned you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket...wait..or is that all balls in one tub...with baby dolls that is!

    Too adorable!

  8. WHat a cutie!! My "baby" is now 8, and my first born is 13! How time flies!!!

  9. That is an awesome object lesson :)

  10. Okay, I've never seen that lesson and now I really want to try it myself!

  11. This is much more adorable example of that lesson than the rocks, sand, and water! :)

  12. So cute!!! She's growing up fast!

  13. I also have a very busy life, but I am so blessed and very thankful for the blessings God blesses me with! Looks like you stay pretty busy too, which can absolutely be a blessing huh? :-) I love how kids can learn new things...what an adventure!!

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