
Jun 9, 2012

A Letter to the President

I told you a few days ago about the graduation party we had last Sunday. Well, while we were at the party, the Dog Walker started talking about this awesome trip we are planning to take this summer. We are going to do the church history tour through Nauvoo and then make our way back to New York and Washington DC. It's truly the trip of a lifetime for us and we have been planning it for quite a while.

Anyway, while he was talking about Washington DC, my dear friend asked him if he was going to visit the White House and see the President. At first I think she was teasing him a little, but it shortly turned into a "Really, you should do it!" You know the Dog Walker is a little famous because of the scout thing.

So he has been bugging me about it all week (thanks, Tamra!) so I suggested that if he wanted an audience with the President he'd better write him a letter. So now I'm sharing the letter with you. Do you think it will get us in?

June 7, 2012

Dear President Barack Obama,

My name is [Dog Walker] and I’m from Utah. I am autistic and have been autistic since I was born. You might have heard from the time that I am the Boy Scout who earned all 132 merit badges. The fame I had was really amazing, just to prove to everybody that people with autism can do anything. The fame I had has been going on and on since last September. It’s been the best accomplishment for me in my life.

Throughout life with autism, I haven’t spoke until the age of seven and I have been quoting from movies a lot when I’m by myself, like I have memorized all the quotes from two movies called The Lion King and A Goofy Movie. That is amazing huh? Anyway, back to the rest of my life as being autistic, I’ve been struggling with education in kindergarten and preschool.

Now that I’m out of high school, I’m going to plan to go to college. College might be a little scary at first, but I dealt with the higher moments of school for a while and they were all amazing. I’ll just have to deal with college to see if I can try to get a degree for a good job. Going to college will be the next challenge for me as an autistic person, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to get used to new things in life. I have a whole sash of all of my merit badges that I have passed off and I’m an assistant Cubmaster with my dad.

We are planning to visit Washington DC in July and we would love to see you in the White House. You are the most amazing president of the US. It’s nice writing to you.


[Dog Walker]

So here's what I want you all to do. Start a campaign to get my awesome son a minute with President Obama. He would be so happy! And maybe then he would really be famous.


  1. That is the sweetest, most sincere letter. If it were ever to make its way to the President, he surely couldn't deny your son a visit!

  2. I think you have a great shot! Can't wait to find out! :) That will be a story. :)

  3. I'll work on that campaign, but I now have a campaign of my own. Did I ever tell you that my parents live in Nauvoo?

  4. My parents just live in Nauvoo, not on a mission. They moved there right after I graduated from high school. They dropped me off at BYU and then headed to Nauvoo right after that.

  5. It would be a terrific photo opportunity for the president. I have no doubt that DW will get to see him. That will be some kind of day. Take lots of pictures.

  6. I think the letter was awesome. It was sweet and I think he should get his wish to visit with the President. Good luck and I hope you get a moment with him. I know you are going to soak up a ton of Mormon and US history.
    Remember to enjoy and record all of your experiences.

  7. I hope the letter reaches the President and you and your family can meet him when you are in Washington DC. Let us know if anything happens with it. It is an awesome letter.

  8. Love the letter! That is a trip of a lifetime and one that I would love to make. I have never been!

  9. That is so precious. Your son is destined for greatness. He sets his sites high. Good for him! And you. :)

  10. sooo awesome. i really really hope Dog Walker gets to meet him!!

  11. How awesome for your son to overcome his "disability" and accomplish all that he has. I hope he gets to meet him.

  12. I love this!!! I think this would totally get him in!!

  13. That is very sweet, I like it!!
