
Jun 12, 2012

I Still Have a Crazy Busy Life

I purposely didn't post yesterday because I wanted everyone to read the Dog Walker's letter. Thanks for your awesome and supportive comments! I hope you all had a chance to forward it around a little...I still think a some internet buzz might get the President's attention.

There is way too much stuff going on around here this week. Princess and Prima Donna are going to march in the parade on Saturday with the marching band so they have band camp all week. Sport, Crafty, Scout, Curly, The Dog Walker, and Baby Doll as well as Bossy's kids are all going to be in the parade too. They will be behind the banner for Sport's helmet safety slogan, wearing their helmets and riding bikes and scooters. (Baby Doll will be in a trailer behind the Dog Walker, she's a bit too small for the scooter, although you can't tell her that.)

Prima Donna is taking four quarters of earth science from the electronic high school so she can get a jump on things. She wants to be a New Century scholar like her sisters and that is chewing up much of our summer. I have three costumes to make for Youth Conference, and Princess has been doing a little driving...

Sport's baseball team just won their league play this week and will start their tournament next week. Coach K is a little nervous...they have three practices scheduled for this week! My sweetie is going out of town for work at some point, so we (mostly he) spent the weekend ripping up the yard and then putting in the garden today. 

The big dance recital is also on Saturday, and that means a dress rehearsal on Friday night and all costumes have to be prepped and ready. I had to make a Where the Wild Things Are Max costume for Crafty and I've still got the crown to finish. There are also all the regular dance classes that we can't possibly miss since they are the last ones before the recital.

The Dog Walker is meeting with a Job Coach on Thursday and then he should be starting a new job shortly after that. And the little kids start swimming lessons next week so I have to find suits for all of them. We also have two birthdays to plan for next week.

Not that I am complaining, I love my busy, crazy life! I look around and see that most of my neighbors have become empty-nesters while I'm still driving to preschool three times a week (thank goodness for carpools!). I just don't know what I'd do with all that free time. It certainly wouldn't be to cook! I don't really love cooking and with all the kids home, I'm cooking for a dozen of us twice a day. Tonight Bossy's family stayed for dinner so that meant 16. It's not just the cooking itself, but all the dishes and the cleanup... Even with 2 dishwashers I'm running four loads a day and there are still dirty dishes in the sink.

OK, it sounds like I'm complaining again.

I hope you all have an amazing week! I'll be at the ball the dance...behind the sewing machine.  or doing the dishes.


  1. When ever I hear a mother moaning about trying to keep up with two kids schedules, I will send them to your post. Goodness.

  2. Aren't the kids supposed to be making their Youth conference costumes themselves ;0)

  3. 2 Dishwashers, 2 ranges, 2 fridge's and freezers too, oh my, what will you do when your kids are all grown up???????? Bet you will babysit your many many grandchildren if nearby right? A mothers job is never done..reading what you do makes me tired, but a good tired, you are one excellent Momma!

  4. 2 Dishwashers, 2 ranges, 2 fridge's and freezers too, oh my, what will you do when your kids are all grown up???????? Bet you will babysit your many many grandchildren if nearby right? A mothers job is never done..reading what you do makes me tired, but a good tired, you are one excellent Momma!

  5. Holy Cow mama, I had to remember to take a breath while reading about your busy life! Whew, you are a busy girl but a good kind of busy right!

  6. Thanks for the kindle fire
