
Jun 6, 2012

Last Day of School

So it's officially here, summer vacation! Scout finished up yesterday with a little awards ceremony. Her teacher named her the most Graceful Dancer because she was a dancer in the operetta and she had her dance entry for Reflections go all the way to state. She earned her Soaring Eagle award which is a nice medallion awarded to each child who goes above and beyond the expected.

Sport and Crafty also earned their medallions for the year. All three had awesome report cards! When I was a kid, my parents gave us fifty cents for each A we earned in school. I remember once when I was in about 7th grade being so excited because I received $3.50 and that was just enough to buy me a new laundry basket.

I'm not that generous with our kids. In fact, this is the first year we have given any rewards for excellence on report cards. It's just something I expect from my kids. I want them to do well in school, not because they have been bribed, but because school is important and they should work hard at it anyway.

So this year Bossy had her kids bring me their report cards and now that I'm a grandma with school-aged kids, I guess I need to be that loving benevolent figure...

I bought them each a candy bar. But that caused no end of grief at my house. I had never rewarded my kids and now I was giving treats to the grandkids??? Where was the justice?

So I bought them all candy bars. And now I've started a new tradition.

Snickers, anyone?!


  1. I get good grades :) and snickers are delicious! What a fun new tradition

  2. I agree--you get good grades because that is what you do. No reward needed. But I guess a snickers once in awhile doesn't hurt.

  3. Rewarding children now and then is a great idea, I did not say all the time, our daughter was a brainiac and got lots of nice things from her teachers and the union school professionals all the time, she was rott spoiled by her beloved Grandmother, only girl grandchild, she just was outstanding, I gave her a trip to the mall on a public bus and let her get an outfit and earrings and jewelry because she was 2nd in her class of about 450!!!!!!! She was thrilled beyong belief, we just did not go gaga over that because she won all the awards and her Grandmother poor as she was spoiled the living daylights out of her, she graduated summa cum laude from college with multiple disciplines her beloved Grandmother passed the night after her graduation from the university in december no less, she was okay with everything stronger than her momma and daddy, remembering how close and beloved by her Grandmother and all her uncles and her boy cousins, she knew and knows her familia and was strong for us..what a family you have, you should be so so so proud, spoil them all when you can, one never knows when the good Lord will take a person home!!!!!!!!! Just some thoughts, love your blog..congrats to your outstanding children they are truly remarkable because of you and your husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You are absolutely right- you get good grades for yourself. One treat though is good,lol. Yah for school being out!

  5. Snicker, snicker, snicker, snicker...
    I'm sorry we were all thinking it.
