
Jun 28, 2012

King of the Cubs

You already know that my sweetie is the Cubmaster in our Cub Scout Pack. That means he has to prepare a new and different activity each and every month for about 25 Cub Scouts and their families. He wants these pack meetings to be fun and exciting so the boys will want to come. At the beginning of the year he put together a nice calendar and handed it out to all of his den leaders. For June, he was planning to make and shoot water rockets...does this sound familiar?

Yeah, I stole his thunder when I arranged the same activity for Sport's birthday party last week. So he was scrambling to come up with an alternate idea for this meeting. Then Bossy suggested that we contact our new friends at the health department and see if they had time to do a bike rodeo for us. (Since Sport is a little famous because of the helmet safety thing.)

That sounded like a great idea to me except that pack meeting was only a week away and I wasn't sure they would be able to arrange something so quickly. I shot off an email to Kathryn. It took her a few days to get everything in place, but by Friday afternoon, I had a firm commitment. On Monday we made fliers and put one on every scout's door. We wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to "be prepared." I was also worried that since it was summer, we might not have good attendance and after the health department had gone to so much work, I wanted a good showing. They even hung up Sport's banner.

I didn't need to worry. Our pack is wonderfully supportive and they showed up by the dozens! Everyone had a terrific time and my health department friends were thrilled with the response. We are already talking about a follow-up get-together.

And my sweetie is still the King of the Cubs.


  1. It sounds like everything fell into place beautifully. Congratulations. It sounds like your husband take the job seriously. As the mother of a former cub scout, please let me say thank you. It matters.

    Have a nice day.

  2. What a clever idea and how great that you work together. Your caring does make a difference.
