
Jun 30, 2012

The Harmon Killebrew Award

As you all know, Sport has been playing baseball. His team is the Mets and they have had so much fun! They won 1st place in their league (that's the big gold trophy) and they came in 4th in their tournament. We have lived a lot of baseball the last few weeks.

So last night we had the baseball banquet at the park. My sweetie loaded up his big grill so he could help with the cooking and I de-seeded a 30-lb watermelon. We showed up a little early since we had to get the grill up and running. I kept the kids out of the way. The heat was still sweltering and it was nearly 6:00.

The picnic part went off really well except that they ran out of drinks and there was not a working drinking fountain at the park. After about an hour, Coach K started handing out awards. He had commissioned a trophy for each boy with an award named after a hall-of-famer. Sport's award was the Harmon Killebrew award.

I told you he was an angel...check out his halo!
Honestly, I had never even heard of this guy! He played baseball during the 60s and he was a big guy (kind of like my Sport).  He was a member of our church and he was second to Babe Ruth in the American League for home runs. According to Wikipedia he was a quiet, kind man. Just the kind of guy I want my Sport to be.

After the awards took about an hour, the Mets challenged their families to a kickball game. I hadn't played kickball since grade school, but that didn't stop me. I played first base and even made two or three catches. One of those kicks belonged to Sport and he wasn't too happy about it...

I made the catch right before Curly grabbed my hand and started throwing up his hot dog. I kicked them around, trying to cover them, but somebody had just cut the grass so all I could do was hope nobody fell as they were rounding first base.

Sport is in there somewhere...
It was nearly 9:00 and getting dark when the game ended with all the Mets dog-piling on Coach K. (Sorry about the bad pics, I only had my cell phone.)

It was the perfect end to a fantastic season. I think even Harmon Killebrew would have agreed.

(Except maybe for the hot dog part.)


  1. My aunt was really good friends with Harmon Killebrew. She managed a Sports Bar in Arizona where he frequented and got to know him. A lot of my family got to meet him and everybody that met him thought he was a great guy.

    Congrats to Sport!

  2. I looked up Harmon Killebrew (love the name) too as I had never heard of him-that isn't saying much as I am not into sports much.
    Congratulations to Sport on his award!!
    Looks like a fun time!!!

  3. How fun. Congrats to Sport. I'm sure the regurgitated hotdog will be a memory for the books.

  4. Sadly I am old enough to know who Harmon was. He was an awesome player.
    Congrats Sport. Be proud.

  5. congrats to your son!! yes...we too have been living baseball....and it is soo hot!!

  6. Oh, how fun!! Congratulations to Sport and his team! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!
