
Jul 2, 2012

A Gold Award

You all know that we are a scouting family here. Pretty much everyone understands the work and effort involved in being an Eagle Scout. It's an awesome accomplishment and two of my sons have achieved that effort (so far).

But what do you know about Girl Scouts? The girls also have an award that is equivalent to the Eagle (although in my humble opinion, it's actually much harder). It's called the Girl Scout Gold Award. My sweet Princess has been working on a project for a couple of months now. But the real work begins tomorrow.

See, she was always a Princess!
Now Princess doesn't always love being a Girl Scout. In fact, sometimes she is downright resentful about it. So choosing a project for her had to be about something she loves....yeah, you guessed it. It's a dance workshop.

Her idea is that lots of young girls drop out of dance either because they can't afford it or because they don't believe that they have a dancer body. She wants to convince people that dancing is fun and healthy and it doesn't matter what they look like. Anyone can dance!

So her workshop starts tomorrow morning and she is SOOO nervous!! Princess is the sort of girl who hates getting up in front of people. When I ask her to sell Girl Scout cookies, the tears slide quietly down her cheeks even though she is always obedient.

At first we were worried about getting enough kids involved. Now, after a month of advertising, she is worried about how to deal with the 40+ kids she has on her lists. And that doesn't include anyone who just shows up. Thankfully her kids are separated into two groups and she has some friends from dance helping her. And of course I will be there to make sure all goes well.

I'll keep you posted...


  1. I did not know that about the girl scouts Gold Award. Think it should be made more of when a girl achieves this.
    Wishing her great success.

  2. The only thing I know about Girl Scouts is that they sell delicious cookies!

    Hope this project goes well! Good luck to everyone!

  3. That is an excellent project to have come up with! It could really make a difference in a girl's life. I'm impressed and I wish her the very best!

  4. Wow, I think that is so awesome. It takes a lot of work to do something like this. What a true princess she is. Blessings to you all and hugs too.

  5. Yeah, I guess I don't know much about Girl Scouts since I don't have any girls but what I do know is I love their cookies!!!

    I'm happy to say I have two Eagle Scouts..One of my sons made it to First Class but refused to finish it off. All he needed was to do a project...It drove me CRAZY that he wouldn't do it..Oh well, he's a s college graduate with a successful job and doing well for himself so I can't complain! HA!!

  6. Wow, she truly is a princess! Which reminds me, my daughter starts with Girl Scouts next week, I hope all goes well :)
