
May 24, 2012

My Awesome Boy

Remember I told you a while ago that Sport won the helmet safety slogan contest? Part of his prize was the free helmets for everyone in the family. The other thing was a pizza party for his school class. He had been so excited to share that part of the prize with his friends.

Since his regular teacher has been out on maternity leave, it has been a bit difficult to get the party scheduled. They moved it several times and then finally settled on last Tuesday. My kids generally pack their lunches, but because of the promise of pizza, Sport went pretty light with his.

The time finally arrived and so did the pizza. The kids were very excited and Sport, of course, was the hero. Pizza was handed all slice per student. Sport was watching carefully to make sure all of his friends were taken care of and that's when he noticed the problem. They had not counted carefully and the pizza was cut one slice short.

Sport's best friend, Jayden, had the distinction of being the last person in line. That's when my awesome son did what any best friend would do. He picked up his own piece of pizza and quietly slipped it to Jayden.

Yeah, this mama is proud...


  1. Aww, what a good kid you've got there! If we lived closer I'd make him a special pizza just for him!

  2. A heart of gold. That was so nice of him.

  3. Bust your buttons mom, that is one cool kid.

  4. Awww that was so sweet of him to do! Congratulations! You're raising an amazing boy!
    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog.
