
May 23, 2012

Raingutter Regatta

I know I've told you before that my sweetie is the Cubmaster for our Cub Scout Pack. He has about 25 boys and their families to entertain once a month at Pack Meeting. He hands out awards and then he has activities planned. We have done some pretty exciting things, like the Blue and Gold Banquet and the Pinewood Derby. One month we all made paper airplanes and then flew them for prizes. Another time we had a treasure hunt with GPS and compasses. The Dog Walker helped lay out 4 different routes and at the end of each was a small box full of candy.

We have all kinds of fun at Pack Meeting and tonight was no different. The boys (and anyone else who wanted to participate) built balsa wood catamarans with tiny sails and raced them in raingutters with fans to propel them.

We had awesome attendance with only a couple of the scouts missing. While Sport and I were setting up this afternoon, we put up about twice the number of chairs I thought we might need and tonight we filled almost every one.

The kids were so excited! My own kids had spent several hours each on their little boats, cutting and sanding and painting. Their sails were covered with colorful stickers and everyone from Curly to the Prima Donna had participated. As Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster, my sweetie and the Dog Walker also made boats.

No, I didn't make a boat. I was the support crew. Instead I made reminder fliers and distributed them. Twice. I made all the certificates and attached the prizes and I made sure everything was set up and ready. I even called all the leaders to make sure they had treats and prayers and such.

And tonight went off without a hitch...except for the fact that some people thought the start time was 6:30 and others thought it was at 7:00.

Scout placed third in the Open Class division and Sport won Best Design for the cub class. I'm thinking I remember Burrito winning a prize too, but it was a bit chaotic and I don't remember what. Maybe Bossy will comment and let us know.

Teach was our amazing photographer and she snapped some fun pics. Maybe now I can relax for a few least from Cub Scouts.


  1. Yeah Burrito won 2nd Place in open class!!

  2. I can't tell you enough how your cub scout posts bring back great memories of my days as Den Mom. I remember my husband making the rain gutters so we can have the Raingutter Regatta race!

    What fun times!!
