
May 25, 2012

One Amazing Daughter

See this beautiful girl? Yeah, you know her as Princess. She is just finishing up her last few days of middle school and today was their awards assembly.

Now I know she is amazing, but it's nice to see everyone else think so too. She earned a special medallion for having all A grades for the entire 3 years and all H citizenship grades for all three years. Out of almost 600 students, there were only 14 that earned that distinction.

Way to go Princess.  You are awesome!


  1. Wow congrats! You must be so proud of her!

  2. Wow wheeeeee, congratulations to Princess...I know you and your husband are very proud of her..too bad other parents can't be as sweet, loving, spiritual, disciplined and wonderful to their children..what a world we would have full of kids who know what a real Mom & Dad is like and are loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow, still another reason to be proud Mom. Congrats on her wonderful achievement.

  4. Wow, that is impressive. Way to go Princess!

  5. Congrats! She must have some pretty proud parents. :) I can't believe my little one will be graduating middle school one day...
