
May 20, 2012

1000 Boxes of Cookies

Way back in January when it was still cold outside, my girls hit the streets selling Girl Scout cookies. Pretty sure I told you that story already. When my girls sell cookies, we split the orders up so everyone gets some, but one girl (and we rotate every year) gets the most. This year it was Scout.

Officially she sold 1062 boxes of cookies! That means that she was invited to a special party only for girls who sold at least 1000 boxes, and that party was tonight. My sweetie and I had to go to a reception for his company (because he is awesome!) so Teach agreed to take her to the party.

It was a red carpet affair and they wore their fancy clothes. They danced and ate strawberry crepes. They also made sequined masks and drank sparkling cider out of plastic goblets. That was Scout's favorite part. In fact she loved the cider so much that as she was heading out the door, they gave her an entire bottle to take home!

Teach took some awesome pics for you with her cell phone. Scout was as bubbly as the cider bottle all the way home. And you know what? When she got here, she opened her bottle, and shared her special drink with everyone.

In our house, we follow the Girl Scout Law, and she was definitely "a sister to every girl scout..." and boy scout... and tagalong...


  1. When I saw the title I was hoping thang you mysteriously ended up with1000 extra boxes of cookies that you needed to get rid of :) that is awesome that scout sold over1000 boxes, that's a TON of thin mints and samoas! Sounds like a fun party to go to. I love sparkling cider out of fancy goblets. I bought some fancy goblets from the dollar store for that very purpose!

  2. That is a big deal. Looks like you two had fun. Way to go Scout!

  3. What a fun event!! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!! This is definitely a happy time!

  4. Wow, that is a lot of cookies!! Well done :-) Sounds like the celebration was very special, and I have to admit I love cider too!!

    Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times x
