
May 19, 2012

Crazy May

I'm a firm believer that May is as busy as December!  We have had some completely crazy weeks lately. Thankfully, tee-ball ended yesterday although Sport is still playing baseball. That should help a little. We played Tuesdays and Thursdays for the last four weeks.

Our women's group has also been playing dodgeball. If you are remembering it from your childhood when a playground ball slammed into your head meant a trip to the emergency room, well, things have changed a lot since then. We play with squishy balls that don't hurt. Tonight we played for about 2 hours. It was fun except that I had already had a crazy day.

Teach and I and Scout got our hair cut this morning and we got back just in time to grab a sandwich before the Drama Queen and I hustled out the door. We made a quick run through Hobby Lobby and then drove for 40 minutes to Orem so the Drama Queen could have her wisdom teeth pulled.

We had to wait for over an hour in the waiting room and then another 45 minutes for the procedure. She had never been in any kind of surgery before so I was a bit worried about the anesthesia and all. But she handled it like a trooper and we finally pulled into our driveway at about 5:00.  I got her settled and then I headed to the store for her pain meds.

Then it was time to make dinner, get Scout and Crafty out the door with their dad for a Daddy Daughter Dance at the elementary school, and run off for dodgeball. The Dog Walker and Prima Donna went with me and we left Princess home to take care of the Drama Queen and the little ones. We got home about 10:15 and after prayer and scripture study, my sweetie and I headed off to the store again to buy the corn syrup I forgot the first time.  Two cartloads later...

I have 8 flats of blackberries coming with my Bountiful Basket in the morning, so I will be making jam tomorrow...
 and playing dodgeball again...
 and attending a reception for my sweetie's work...
 and helping the Dog Walker to prepare a talk for Sunday...

I'm tired just thinking about it.


  1. It's good that Drama Queen made it through that wisdom tooth surgery.

    I miss playing dodgeball :)

    I'm sure you're tired but happy...

  2. sounds like a crazy month! And I've never heard of the new way to play dodge ball! Sounds like fun. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Your day would exhaust my week.
    Hope Drama Queen is recovering nicely. I never had any wisdom teeth so I guess my wisdom is late or never coming. Shoot.

  4. Enjoy the blackberries. They are my favorite berry. Hope Drama Queen is doing okay. The dodge ball sounds like a blast. I know my May & June are filled with busyness.

  5. Busy busy!! Hope you can have a relaxing weekend at least :) Glad Drama Queen is doing well after having wisdom teeth pulled...I was lucky and only had to have my bottom 2 done which they say is easier than the top...apparently I don't have top ones (knock on wood)! Enjoy the blackberries! :)

  6. Ok, dodgeball is so fun. You're never too old to play it either!
