
May 21, 2012

Daddy Daughter Dance

Remember I told you about getting my sweetie ready for his date on Friday night with Crafty and Scout? Well, today they emailed us the pictures and I wanted to share them with you. Our elementary school does a Daddy Daughter Date and and Mother Son date every year. It's nice to have a scheduled time when you can take your kids somewhere fun and for free.

I always think we will get around to making our own plans, but it usually doesn't happen. For their date, they dressed up in their best cowboy duds and had fun line-dancing and drinking root beer floats. It's a little tricky dancing with two girls at the same time, but my sweetie is a pro (lots of daughters!)

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I want to get time to visit everyone's blogs, but it has been so crazy! The Dog Walker spoke in church this morning and then graduated from Seminary this afternoon. I managed to grab a quick nap in between. We made 37 quarts of blackberry jam yesterday, besides the dodgeball and the reception.

Sometimes I wish we could slow it all down just a little...for a day or two.


  1. Wish I could come to your home for some blackberry jam, sounds lovely and delish, busy busy and more busy..Your children are growing up fast, enjoy them while you can..Your husband sounds like a real father and husband, he loves his wife, his faith, children a lot..wish everyone could have that faith and committment, we would not have the juvenile problem and now younger children getting into lots of troubles is there were real Dads and real Moms in the homes..parents who really parent and love on the kiddies and make them behave and have a spiritual committment in their lives, just would not happen if there were real parents in the home such as you and your husband are to your sweet family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The pictures are adorable. Sounds like they had a great time! I am so impressed with the jam.

  3. Awww those pics are the sweetest!!

  4. Those pictures are so cute! What a special time for them!
    I understand about life needing to slow down. I don't have much time to visit blogs anymore, either! I hope you're doing well!

  5. Wow, you should slow down a bit. I am amazed at all you do. I loved the pictures of the Daddy Daughter Dates. We had those when my girls were growing up. We did't have the Mother son thing; which is kind of sad; that would have been fun.
    Blessings to you!
