
Mar 5, 2012

Pinterest Flowers

I asked Teach to put up some random pics for me again since I couldn't seem to get my brain working today. It seems my creative juices have dried up...

When I was younger, I was a craft-a-holic. I loved working with my hands doing embroidery, felt, plastic canvas, hooking rugs, you name it, I was there. Maybe tomorrow I'll show you my greatest creation (if I can get it out of the cedar chest where it's been hiding for almost 30 years). Kind of silly, huh?

So it would seem natural that I would LOVE Pinterest. But I really don't. My days are so filled with other things now that the only time I do crafts is with my girl scouts, on a road trip, and sometimes during General Conference. I prefer to spend time with my sewing machine when I want to make something.

But Teach loves Pinterest and she is constantly showing me some new thing she would like to make. Sometimes it's food and sometimes it's crafts. So last weekend she raided my fabric and rallied her little sisters while I wasn't home and they created some really cute flowers for their hair. Most of them were eventually attached to a headband although her pictures just show them this way.

I wish I could say I participated in this activity, but I was a terrible mom and mostly I just complained about the fact that the yellow gingham USED to be the exact size for a quilt back.

Thanks for taking up the slack, Teach! Maybe someday Pinterest and I will become best friends. Until then, keep showing me the pictures, maybe one of them will get my creative juices flowing again.


  1. Love pintrest, the crafts are my favortie to look at too!

  2. Wow, very cute flowers! I love Pinterest too! Although I can spend WAY too much time there.
