
Mar 6, 2012

Beauty Pageants

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? I know, that doesn't really seem to be my style, does it? Well, one year I was invited to be a State Finalist (whatever that means) in the Miss United Teenager pageant.I was excited and flattered and it took me a while, but I finally convinced my parents that I really wanted to give it a try. It was 1982 and I was a junior in high school

I never thought of myself as being a beauty. I struggled with weight issues all my life, but this pageant didn't have a swimsuit competition and it did have a writing segment. Silly me, I thought I might have a chance.

It was held at the University of Utah. Grandma brought me up to campus and I remember getting lost. We eventually found the check-in area and I settled into a dorm. The competition took two or three days and I really don't remember it all that well.

I know that the red and white outfit in the first picture was required and we all practiced and then performed a big number together in those clothes. They sent us patterns and I made the skirt. White strappy shoes were also required. We were allowed to choose our own evening gown and this peach-colored one was actually the dress my mom made for my junior prom.

I felt pretty good about things going in, but by the time I met the other girls I realized I was way out of my element. Having our pictures snapped every 2 seconds was disturbing to me and I didn't love wearing a dress all the time. I felt like most of the time I was pasting on my smile and not being myself.

Not surprisingly, I was eliminated in the first round, but that didn't stop me from tossing my hat into the ring one more time. I'll tell you about that tomorrow.


  1. So neat. I can't believe they expected the girls to make their own skirt--that seems so out of line with the girls of today.
    I can't wait to hear what happened next.

  2. Interesting!
    From the title of your post, I thought you were going to write about Toddlers & Tiaras!!

  3. I think you looked great! You had to make your own skirts?? lol...oh man, I would have been screwed, I can't really sew well :( hehe. I think it's awesome you gave it a try, can't wait to see your post tomorrow about giving it another go ;)

  4. Exciting! Can't wait till tomorrow

  5. I loved your pictures and I think it is awesome that you had this opportunity. One of my sweet daughters had a moment almost like this one. She too felt out of her element. I will look forward to the rest of the story.

  6. Totally impressed with you and your Mom's dress making skills.
    I think you looked adorable.
    Be back for part 2.

  7. Oh... How exciting!! I can't believe you made that- unbelievable! I would never be able to do this!

  8. Aw, how neat! I like the idea of girls making their own skirts.
    My mom entered me into something when I was a baby so I don't really remember it, but my MIL is putting my SIL the sister with Down Syndrome, if you don't remember) in a beauty pageant in two weekends. I'm not sure that I a going to go watch, but if I do it'll be my first experience with a pageant that I can remember.
