
Mar 4, 2012

Little Choices

It was nice of the Drama Queen to bail me out last night. Yeah, I was definitely tired. We knew going in that we wouldn't have Teach to play the game with us because she had not been able to get anyone to work for her and the schedules were made up long before we knew when the game would be. That took us down to six players. Then one of our ladies had a family party and although she was finished just after nine, she didn't have the address to the church and since my phone was in my coat pocket and not on my person, I didn't get her message until the game was long over.

So we were five. I had a Tupperware party across town at 6:00 and I got to my house at 18 minutes to nine. I still had to change and I hadn't eaten anything, so I grabbed one of my sweetie's green biscuits (it was Dr. Seuss day!) and headed out the door. I got to the church about 4 minutes before the game started. For a minute it looked like we might forfeit after all, but our fifth player walked in right after we had the opening prayer.

The first quarter was OK, we held it together and even though we weren't stellar, we finished the quarter 8 - 20. Things went severely downhill from there. We made one basket in each of the next three quarters and finished a dismal 37 - 14. It was pretty pathetic. I only made one shot all night and it definitely wasn't a three although it was outside the key, so I guess that's good. That also means we are out of the tournament.

I'm the one on the left with the apron jersey thing
Honestly, I wasn't even going to tell you about it, but since somebody asked...I guess at my age I probably shouldn't even be playing basketball, but I sure love the game and my body craves (and needs!) the exercise. Did I ever tell you that I played on the high school team for two years? I loved being part of the team although I could have done without the 6:00 AM practices (you know I'm not a morning person). I played my freshman and sophomore years and as part of the Junior Varsity, I got to dress for the Varsity games, although I only got to play in a couple of them.

We weren't an awesome team but we did OK. I wore the number 24. Then when I was registering for my junior year, I had a choice to make. It was to try to earn my associates degree before I graduated from high school or to continue playing basketball. Yeah, you guessed it, I went with the school route. And I did it, I graduated from Snow College and Manti High school at the same time. That was the days before they allowed classes to count for credit at both schools. I was actually on an academic scholarship and a newspaper scholarship at Snow during my senior year in high school. It was like I was a split personality. I tried really hard to keep my two lives separate and basketball just didn't fit.

#24 that's me!

Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like had I chosen basketball instead of school. One thing I know for sure...I would never have met my sweetie. He would have graduated and been gone from Snow before I got there. It's good that things work out just the way there are supposed if I can just figure out why we got trounced in last night's game...


  1. Where in the world do you get those black and white newspaper photos?


  2. Mom, you are wrong it was only 8-12 in the first quarter. We didn't start getting skunked until the half.

  3. These pictures are actually all from my high school yearbook! Basketball was a big deal...

  4. I am so impressed that you can run up and down a court. When I played in high school, girl's rules only let us play half court. Forwards on one side of the court and guards on the other. Sure glad those rules fell by the way side. Like I said, I'm impressed.
    I want to thank you for your kind comment and condolences. You are right, the Internet has really expanded our worlds.

  5. What a rock star you are! You rocked at basketball, and now you rock being a mom!

  6. I would love to meet you someday. I see myself like you one day. I love basketball and one day I would love to have a big family. I have only 5 kids so far. I found your blog through my cousin Tracie Turner's blog. Again I love basketball, I can not tell you how much it has helped me this year. I had a brain tumor removed 6 months ago and playing the game is helping me recover in so many ways. I am so sad that the basketball season is almost over. My stake has tournament in two weeks and than has the regional tournament the week after.

  7. I never got the hang of basketball. I played all kinds of sports in highschool, but basketball wasn't one of them. The coaches bugged me to play, because I'm tall - but I have zero coordination, which is necessary to the art of running/dribbling lol
    I stuck with volleyball and hockey.

    Love the pics!!

  8. Things definitely happen for a reason!

    How great that you play basketball. I need to find something active for me to do.
