
Feb 2, 2012

Scout's New Game

I'm pretty sure I've told you before that we are not big into TV or video games. I like the kids to use their imaginations and come up with their own games and activities. I also want them to be active, not just sitting around all the time.

So Scout and Curly were giggling as they came down the stairs after the shower. They were dressed in clean jammies and big t-shirts, but I didn't think anything of it. Several minutes later, I understood why...

Scout had made up a new game and I think she called it "Bop." They each tucked a large playground ball under their shirts. At first I thought they were pretending to be pregnant, until the first Bop.

They banged their huge "bellies" into each other and laughed and giggled as they continued bouncing off each other until one of them (usually Curly) landed on the ground.

I'm not sure I love this new kind of feels like Sumo wrestling with a twist. I guess I should be least they are active.


  1. At least you know they didn't get the idea from you!

  2. That is just way to cute. Looks like they had a blast.

  3. I love it, sounds like something my brother and I would have played! We were all about games that involved beating each other up on the sly.
    I thought they were pretending to be pregnant too from the first picture. =]

  4. Hi Sandy,
    Just to answer your question my son is 10 and has high functioning autism and my daughter is 3 and has pdd nos. Both are doing fantastic. Before I forget I am going to start following you :)

  5. Ha ha, pregnant was my first thought. You are so smart to limit TV. My mom wouldn't let us have a TV. She said we would become flabby people with no imagination or conversation skills. Kudos.

  6. My kids LOVED to do this. Our Spokane house has a dent in the drywall from my oldest son's head from a fall. Didn't faze him at all. I believe we sold the house with the dent. It fit the curve of his head, exactly.

  7. Lol! So not showing this to my kids as they will definitely want to play too.
    But yep, be proud as they are creative and fun.
    Thanks for linking up

  8. That is way cute and obviously they have great imaginations. I do think children of today are so entertained that they don't have very good imaginations.
    Blessings to you for a fun blog; the pictures were priceless.

  9. That's too cute! Looks like they were having a lot of fun.

  10. well I think they're very creative and the fact they don't need vidoe games to play is wonderful, I love this, make beleive is a handy tool,

  11. Looks like they are having an awful lot of fun!! And, you have to admit, it's pretty creative.

  12. My kids love to do that!! I knew exactly what you were going to say as soon as I saw the picture. So fun!

    Thanks for linking up!

  13. I remember playing that game as a kid! Have they tried the launching game yet?

  14. They are super cute. Good for you not letting them watch too much tv or video games. It is so much healthier for them to play and use their little brains.

  15. This is like the best game in the world... I am going to introduce it to my boyfriend right this minute and then tomorrow in work I am going to unleash it on the children. Thanks for the inspiration! Love Elle xo

  16. Bahahaha! That's hilarious and fun. I love when kids use their imaginations!! I'm pretty sure my kids have played a "variation" of bop lol.

  17. That is something my sisters and I would have made up. I didn't let my boys see those pictures because they would be doing that game in a heart beat. So fun!
