
Jan 31, 2012

A Real Mom

I've told you that we've been trying to eat a little more healthy (I even had carrot cake for my birthday!). The Bountiful Baskets have helped us work more vegetables into our diet. This is a terrible hardship for Sport who confided in me a few days ago, "I HATE Bountiful Baskets!" Although I've noticed that even he is trying a few more new things.

Salads have started showing up at every meal although sometimes they are passed without appearing on any plates. Greens can get pretty boring around here so Teach has put herself in charge of livening up the salads and making them more interesting. She has added cucumbers, carrots, olives, stuff like that. And they have been more fun...I guess...

So yesterday the Drama Queen and I sat down for lunch. She was hoping for a nice sandwich, but I pulled out the salad. Baby Doll is not much of a salad eater, so I poured her a bowl of Cheerios. She started crunching happily away as the Drama Queen stirred her greens sadly around her plate. Suddenly she said, "I wonder if Cheerios would make good croutons?" I looked at her like she was crazy, then I grabbed a handful and tossed them into my salad. I caught up a big bite on my fork and chewed for a moment. They were actually pretty good!

The Drama Queen just looked at me. Then she solemnly said, "You know you're a real mom when you start putting Cheerios in your salad."

Finally,'s about time!


  1. LOL that's awesome! Yep, you're a real mom when you don't mind throwing Cheerios in a salad ;) Love it!

  2. hahaha awesome! Cause you weren't already a real mom after having all your kids..

  3. Ha! I think Cheerios is a defining mom thing. :)

  4. Haha! Cheerios actually WOULD make good croutons...

  5. Can't wait to try that myself. Nice improvise.

  6. Awesome. Never thought of cheerios on salads. Might have to try that.

  7. Tell Sport that I am so sorry that Bountiful Baskets is so awful. I wish we had a Bountiful Baskets that was close to us, there is one in San Antonio, but far away on the opposite side of town and so early in the morning. I have heard about it from so many people who have loved it.

  8. I torture my children similarly with our CSA farmshare. There are a lot of greens this time of year. They can be unhappy now -- they'll love me when they are really smart and don't get Alzheimers. I will smile at them from beyond the grave when they stop by to say, "You were right mom." Ha.
