
Feb 3, 2012

Ground Hog Day

Yesterday was Ground Hog Day. We have had such beautiful weather here in Utah, I was just sure that winter must be over. Then I opened the door and I was greeted with this scene.

And I heard on the news that the Groundhog saw his shadow so I guess we get six more weeks of winter.

I had really intended to give you another Food for Thought today. Princess made some delicious Snickerdoodles for us and the Dog Walker swears he took pictures, but no one can find them. Dang. I guess that means we'll have to make more cookies...I hate it when that happens.

After Grandpa read stories to Curly and Baby Doll, he went to the store with the Drama Queen to grab some milk and he couldn't resist the pleading of Curly and they brought home Tootsie Rolls and donut holes. That prompted some amazing creativity from Crafty. Besides the obvious, she also used Kix cereal and little pieces of banana and cookie decorations. I told her she is going to have to teach us all how to make such cute edibles. At least we won't be bored (or hungry) during our six more weeks of winter. 

***The Dog Walker figured Baby Doll needed some different teeth if she planned to eat Crafty's people...


  1. I love those treats! Very creative. My boys would love to eat them.

  2. mmm. yum! we haven't gotten snow here (in NC)...wish we had!


  3. Your home looks lovely the location and all, dry snow no doubt..Your children get along and are tender to their wee siblings, a result of your superior Mother and Father upbrining...happy Valentines day to you and yours...
