
Jan 11, 2012

Describe Yourself, Please

So Teach finished her student teaching in November, but because she still had a semester of scholarship money, she decided to take some on-line classes before graduating. We were sitting around the kitchen table tonight, eating dinner and chatting about this and that. I was complaining about some scholarship applications I’ve been helping the Dog Walker fill out…how each one is different and they are not fun.

Then Teach started telling us about her new classes and how they required her to introduce herself in a public forum so the rest of the students could get to know her. She mentioned that she had gotten really good at cut’n paste. Curious, I asked, “So what do you say about yourself?”

She thought a minute. “Oh, you know, the usual…I love kids and Harry Potter, I come from a big family, teaching is my passion, I have really blue eyes…” she trailed off. Then, a small Curly-sized voice next to her chimed in, “You have the cutest little brother…”


  1. Oh my gosh! How CUTE! He is adorable. :)

  2. That is hilarious, I love it! And yes, he is absolutely adorable!

  3. So cute! I love it.

  4. I hope she adds that into her script!

  5. Curley has a heck of a point. Think she should add that.

  6. He is just too cute! You made me smile!

  7. That is such a cute little story!

    Congrats to Teach on finishing! I do my student teaching in the fall, I'm soooo nervous!

  8. What a precious moment. I love how little ones come up with the best comments. I am smiling on this one for sure.

  9. Oh. My. Goodness! That is just about the cutest thing ever!! :]
