
Jan 9, 2012

Big Brothers

I think everyone ought to have a big brother. Not one just a little older who can pick on you and get you into trouble…one that’s way older, like 15 – 20 years older. I’m pretty sure I told you that my youngest four kids don’t remember when the Gym Rat lived at home.

He’s pushing 25 and he comes around about once a week to get his “kid” fix. He does “tricks” with the kids like flipping them over, tossing them on the couch, tipping them upside down and letting them walk on the ceiling…you get the idea. And they LOVE it! Whenever he comes through the door they all run to him and hang on his legs, hoping to be the first one to be picked up and tossed around. Even 11-year-old Crafty gets in line.

Remember I told you about the Tonka trucks the kids race around and around my living room and through my kitchen? Well, yesterday the Gym Rat came up with a new trick. He had them put on long pants and socks and then he grabbed their hands and pulled them across the slick hardwood floors from the entryway through the kitchen and into the dining room. It was a little like skating and about as dangerous! They laughed and giggled and chased until the Gym Rat had sweat running down his face. No need to go to the gym! He’s got his own willing weights right here.


  1. Gym Rat is so sweet! What a great guy to wrestle and rough house with his younger siblings! I am enjoying getting caught up on your happenings!

  2. I'm so glad you found me and I that now I have found YOU! I LOVE that you have 12 babies! Congrats on that!

    I too am a gym rat. I'm there bright and early everyday. Your strapping 25 year old looks like he spends a good deal of time throwing weights around. And he's a great brother to boot. :)

  3. How fun! My youngest sister doesn't remember when I lived at home - and unfortunately I lived too far away to visit all the time like this (I was in the US and she was living overseas with my parents!)

  4. My Brother (7 years younger) always had people convinced the he was the oldest. He was taller and buff and had the facial hair, so he could sometimes get away with it. (If he shaved... it was back to the kiddie table with him!)
    Anyways we use to pin each other on the floor and our fav (which would make mom mad) was playing bloody knuckles. I use to get in some good whacks on the guy. We would always stop as soon as the bruise on the center of my hand appeared.
    I loved it when he would call me his little Sis! Thank Heaven for big brothers!
    (he passed away almost 2 years ago)

  5. Oh, I bet they have so much fun with him!

    Mine have their uncles to play around with like that!

  6. My oldest brother went to college when I was in 2nd grade- but he didn't come home too often and definitely did not play like that. How fun

  7. What an awesome big brother he is! :] I am only four years younger than my oldest brother so I didn't have this but I see him with my younger siblings and it is so much fun! Older brothers are the best!!

  8. How cute! I think the best big brothers are the ones who don't actually live at home : )

  9. I just noticed that you were a follower on my blog - sorry for not noticing sooner, but my brain has not been working too good lately... ;0)

    What a fun blog! Twelve children . . . and they are all yours! Wow, I'm impressed, I love large families, the more the merrier! Big brothers can be very wonderful - I'll bet your little ones get excited when he comes home to play! I only have one big brother, who I don't see very often, so what a blessing to have him come and visit!

    Thanks again for visiting my blog!


  10. Mine are close enough in age that none are out of the house except the oldest. Rosalie (33 months, does not remember her sister living at home. The only reason she remembers her, I think, is that we talk to Anne frequently on skype and she comes home from Seattle a few times a year.

  11. Love it! I need one of those for my kids! What a great guy you've raised. I'm also impressed with your kids.
