
Jan 8, 2012

Birthday Coupons

Working on mine

One of my good friends regularly visits a salon to have her nails done. And I have to confess that they look pretty amazing (although they aren’t very practical for basketball). I have never been to an actual nail salon because I have several mostly competent people who live right in my very own house that can take care of that rather tedious task.

If it were left up to me all I would do is give them a quick trim every few weeks. The Drama Queen used to keep my nails in the height of fashion when she was younger, but then she moved out and passed the torch to Prima Donna. Every year the Prima Donna gives me coupons for my birthday detailing the beauty treatments I’m about to receive…hair-brushing (although since last spring I worry a little about that), back-scratching, manicures, pedicures…sometimes even an entire makeover!

Curly was the camera man
My favorite is when she changes my toenail color to match the current holiday. Since November I’ve had alternating red and green toenails. So yesterday was the day for a change. The hardest part of a pedicure at my house is finding the nail-polish remover. Last time it was lost it showed up in the Dog Walker’s room. I assumed it was because he was using it to strip paint from a model car or something. Nope! He had actually painted his toenails pink just to see if I would put a picture of them on the blog! Sorry, Dog Walker, not this time.
Teach's Cute Toes

Once the tools are assembled, I can just sit back and relax…sort of…depending on the procedure. If the Prima Donna is feeling exceptionally benevolent, she washes, massages, and files my tired feet. Sometimes she even tries trimming the nails, but that part isn’t at all relaxing since every once in a while she slips and takes a chunk out of my toe…red isn’t usually my color. So in honor of winter, we are going blue with white snowflakes. Just like a salon, only better. I get to hang out with my kids and it’s free.

PS...Turns out our cute little camera man took about 30 pictures of his fingers over the lens!  Oh well, his services were free too.


  1. Free is the way to go! I asked for a couple new colors of nail polish for Christmas and was so excited to find that Santa left me three awesome colors that I've been drooling over at the store! I just wish I had someone else at my house who was willing and able to paint them for me, that would be pretty fantastic, but I'm ok taking care of them myself!

    I love that blue on your toes, it looks excellent!

  2. I love that idea! Makes me wish I had a daughter.

  3. Lucky you. Nothing screams more of pampering that pedicures and to have a resident nail artist is pure luxery.

  4. Lucky you! Inhouse spa treatments!

    I should have trained my sons better

  5. FUN! :)

    We can never find the polish remover at our house either...

  6. Sounds so nice and luxurious - I knew there was a reason I wanted kids!

  7. So cute! I actually just took Hayley to get a pedicure. It is my bday today and I figured why not!
