
Jan 12, 2012


My four-year-old grandson, Burrito, goes to the HeadStart preschool program here in the valley. Every day his parents drop him off and then they are supposed to pick him up and bring him to my house so I can watch him until they get off work. This is a pretty good plan and not too inconvenient for me...most of the time. Then there are the days when Gamer's boss decides to take off early and Gamer can't leave the store. Those are the days I get to trek across the valley and pick him up. Yesterday was one of those days.

I got there a little early since I also had to pick up Taco from his school about 20 minutes away. They were all sitting around little tables eating apples and pretzels for their afternoon snack. Burrito wasn't all that excited about leaving until I assured him he could take his food with him.

While I was signing him out, one of the other little boys pointed to me and asked, "What's her name?" to the teacher. I stuck the flower pen back into the can and smiled. "It's Burrito's Grandma!" I said proudly.

That little guy expressed his surprise, "You're a grandma?" he asked. If you remember my post from a few weeks ago, you will understand my response. "Thank you!" I said enthusiastically. "That's the nicest thing anybody said to me all week!"


  1. Wow, think I'd have brought that obviously intelligent kid home with me. He has a future as a charmer.

  2. Now that kid has it down!!! A keeper for sure I'm with Arkansas Patti, I'd taken him with me!! HA! :)

  3. Smart kid! And a nice way to totally make your day

  4. Smart boy! It really is special to be a grandma!

  5. What a compliment! That would have made me blush. I blush when my daughter's friends say we look young. Stopping by from Grateful Grumpy Moms link up

  6. Well that had to make you smile!! Good news indeed!

    Hi - Visiting you from Grumpy Grateful Mom!

  7. Yes! Vindication! You don't look anything like a grandma! Not that there's anything wrong with looking like one. And being one has to be extra sweet, most days. :)

    So fun to hear your good news!

  8. I love it when people think I'm younger than I am. Yeah!
