
Jan 3, 2012

The Chemistry Lesson

Today was an awesome day! In Utah the kids were all out of school and my sweetie had the day off. We spent part of it cleaning up and organizing, gathering stuff to send to charity and finishing up a couple of projects.

Then my sweetie took the kids to the park so I could have a few minutes of alone time. I ended up on the computer, working on the newsletter for the dance studio, but at least that is one more thing I don’t have to worry about. When they got back I had promised Curly he could build a little wood kit we had gotten from Lowe’s back in November. He never really cares what they are, he just loves to hammer! (BTW, this is not a plug for Lowe's. My sweetie already got after me for doing two review posts in a row. I hope that wasn't too tedious for you. I was just in a wrap-things-up mode and both of those had been waiting since before Christmas.)

Anyway, back to my awesome day... When we pulled the packages out, they happened to be Science Kits. The building part was pretty uneventful; just 8 nails and they were done. But then the kids started reading the experiment cards that came with them.

Curly and I slipped out to give him a breathing treatment for his asthma and when we came back, my sweetie had them pouring and measuring and mixing in the test tubes that were included. I’m pretty sure I told you that we met in the Chemistry lab. He was going to be a Chemical Engineer until he took an electronics class and that entirely changed our direction. Anyway, these little experiments were just up his alley.

Curly hurried to catch up with everyone else and I took a seat in the back and snapped a few phone pics. After a while, the Dog Walker came in and took some real pictures for you.

First they made pepper chase around in the little plastic petri dishes that were also included. Then they exploded something with baking soda; kind of a mini volcano. Obviously I should have been paying better attention.

Then they took an entire box of cornstarch and made this gooey icky mess! And of course they had to add a little food coloring first so it was a psychedelic disaster. And the measurements weren’t right, so they just had to keep adding and adjusting. And somebody (I think it was my sweetie cause it certainly wasn’t me!) suggested that they stir with their fingers. I just LOVE science, don’t you?!


  1. My hubby is a biologist and looooooove stuff like this! Heck, I would too, look at how much fun they had!

  2. I am smiling on this one. Thanks for sharing a very sweet day at home with the family. My husband and I met in High School and he wanted to go into Chemistry but instead became a pharmacist. He has been in upper management for years so he hasn't filled a RX for years. Interesting the twists and turns of life.
    Blessings to you for a great post.

  3. That is the kind of stuff kids get so into! Looks like it was fun!

  4. looks like FUN! :) My two youngest have asthma as well, so we know all about breathing treatments, not fun.
