
Jan 4, 2012

Santa Sweetie

Santa Sweetie, Bean Dip, Burrito, and Taco

You know I am one of the first ones to say that when Christmas is over, it's over! But when my sweetie came home from work today, he had just one request...could I please cut his beard. As you've seen all year from my pics of him, he normally wears a short goatee. But during the Christmas season, he lets it grow out just like Santa.

With Grandpa
I made that Santa suit at his request about 15 years ago. Since then he has played Santa at all of our Christmas parties and even at one Ward (church) party! When he started this job, our family was young and our siblings had lots of little ones. Now the kids are getting older and he doesn't love it as much as he once did, but he is still a good sport.

Those bells are a real set of bells from a horse bridle and they are pretty ancient. My sweetie remembers them being borrowed by the "real" Santa every year when he was a kid. So here are the pics from our family Christmas party. I think he makes an amazing jolly old elf, but maybe I'm a little biased. What do you think?  (to the tune of "Santa Baby")

Santa Sweetie,
Slip a baby under the tree for me...
I've been an awfully good girl,
Santa Sweetie...
Sami and Aiden

I checked with Teach to make sure this wasn't TOO scandalous since this is a family-friendly blog. I didn't offend any of you, did I?
With Jessica and Ryan

With Jason, Tyler, and Nathan
With Aaron, Andrew, and Angel

With Wowie and Zowie, formerly known as Mark and Dax
Pretty sure you know all of these guys...


  1. There's a LOT of love there mama! Really fun pictures!

    Happy New Year to you & your sweet family! XO

  2. It's so awesome to have a Santa in the family isn't it?
    My father in law grows out his beard and looks remarkably like Santa for the holidays. He has his very own suit too, and plays the gig at different places, including this year at a minor league hockey game. My son was horrified by him this whole season, and not just when he was wearing his Santa suit! I'm a little relieved that he has cut the beard now!

  3. This is so cute!! There's a wonderful guy in our ward who also plays Santa. :)

    I just read a cute book called:
    "The Red Suit Diaries" about the adventures of a professional Santa -- it's very touching and fun to read.

  4. What a good sport! He makes a great Santa =)

  5. What, no trendy names for my kids? I was thinking maybe "Awesome" and "More Awesome" or even "Wowie" and "Zowie." : )

