
Jan 2, 2012

New Year's Giveaway!

A couple of weeks ago I was asked if I would like to host a giveaway for My Memories Suite. The kind folks over there offered me a free copy of their software as well as a copy to give to one of my fantastic readers for my honest opinion of their product. I'm not very good with software as a general rule, so I quickly assigned Teach to try it out for me. She loves scrapbooking and her Cricut is one of her best friends.

After downloading the software, it took her an hour or so to create these amazing pages! She tells me the program is so easy that even I could do it...and that's really saying something. My normal mode of scrapbooking is to slap a picture on a colored sheet of paper with a couple of tape rolls and maybe write a few words with a marker...or maybe not depending on how big of a hurry I am in. It has not really been a task I enjoy, it is just something I feel compelled to do (that's one of the reasons I started my blog). Well, this program might just change my mind. Aren't these pictures fun?

The Giveaway starts today, January 2, 2012, and ends 11:59 PM on January 15, 2012. All you have to do is visit and then leave a comment on this post telling me one of their products you could use for your own scrapbooking. For a second chance, tell me you are a follower and/or tweet this giveaway. And you know what? My Memories even has their own BLOG! You can visit it at

If you decide to follow them, I will throw in one more entry for you. Just make sure you let me know when you do any of these things. Maximum of five entries.

If you just can't wait to try this software, I have a deal for you. I have my OWN coupon code! That means you can enter it when you order and get $10 off. Here you go:  STMMMS3111.

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to try to get my scrapbooking (and my thighs!) in a little better shape. I'm afraid I'm several years behind now. Baby Doll has about 3 pages in her book...I guess I should be grateful that she actually has a book!


  1. I love using their scrapbooking. I already won it on another blog and I can tell you it is amazing!

  2. I visited their website and am thinking about buying their Calendar Year pack. It is adorable.

  3. I love scrapbooking a well and i like their "well, wooden ya know" pack... great giveaway!

  4. I tweeted about this giveaway here!/rosenfried2/status/154205883394555904

  5. The my memories suite looks awesome, It would help me get caught up, hopefully. : )

  6. The my memories suite looks awesome, It would help me get caught up, hopefully. : )
