
Dec 24, 2011

It Only Takes Nine Months

Linking up again for the Review Extravaganza! July was a crazy month for us. We started it with my Tupperware obsession confession. We spent the fourth at Grandma’s and then we took a trip to Idaho that included two grandsons. My sweetie was amazing, figuring out how to hook me up in the hotel rooms so that I could post every day of our trip. The elementary-aged kids started school near the end of the month, but not before we had a couple of days of camping. After a temporary blog setback, we finished out the month with one of my favorite posts, Six Seconds of Confusion…cause we’ve all been there…Sorry, Gamer.

Iron Chef Entrees
August was mostly a collection of stories from our past, an anniversary party the kids set up for my sweetie and me, all my broken bones stories, and my dramatic debut. We talked about our visit to the UP house and all the fun activities we did from the summer list, like our Iron Chef competition, a trip to Logan, and the County Fair. We also sent all the older kids back to school and I explained how in my house you might feel like you are seeing double!  My favorite post was Baby Doll’s desperate attempts to get out of church.

September was a difficult month for us, full of highs and lows. The Dog Walker finished all of his Merit Badges and we held a HUGE court of honor the included television interviews and then national and international coverage culminating in the story being run on CNN and other major networks! We celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary and the Dog Walker attended a major school dance. We lost my sweet Grandma near the end of the month. She was 93 and had lived a full and active life, but it was still hard. The stories about the Dog Walker are definitely amazing, but my favorite post was about our garbage strike when we were first married. It turned out to be a fitting tribute to Grandma even before she passed away.

Oh for the warmer lazy days of summer! We spent the evening celebrating what we affectionately call “Christmas Adam” (because Adam came before Eve, of course). We started this tradition about 8 years ago of having a family activity. One year we took a cruise on the Great Salt Lake with Santa. The second year we did the Polar Express in Heber City. We have gone to the movies, out to dinner, had a Rock Band competition…this year we took the kids miniature golfing, then to Sizzler to eat dinner, and finally to see the amazing light show put on by Ogden City. We also had the grandsons and Grandpa. The only one missing was Gamer and he had to work. So fun having all twelve of them together! That’s the best Christmas gift ever.


  1. Happy Christmas to you and your wonderful family!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Merry Christmas tomorrow and Happy Hanukkah today and it will be over on the 28th of December, love your blog, happy to you & your sweet and loving family, peace, joy and health in 2012!

  3. I love the Christmas Adam activity! I might have to steal that tradition. Merry Christmas!

  4. I remember that he made the news but somehow missed the post that it made it all the way to CNN, that is awesome! And that was so nice of you to agree to help out with the Flaggs- they should have just paid you.

    Thanks for linking up, have your point recorded.

  5. You've had some amazing stories over these months! I just came from Baby Doll's attempt to get out of church. Hilarious! To me, maybe not to you!
