
Dec 24, 2011

Christmas Jammies

About a dozen years ago I read a book about a family where the mom made Christmas jammies for all the kids, even though they were grown up and coming home. I loved this tradition and decided to adopt it as my own. I haven't managed to make pjs every year, but ALMOST every one since then.

These gifts are always opened on Christmas Eve. For the last three years I have had shirts custom-made with our family name. This year the Drama Queen wanted to be in charge. She wanted all the shirts to have the blog names and the front and on the back. My BFF did an amazing job on the shirts and the Drama Queen made all the pants (except for the cutting which I helped with). SO FUN! Thanks Drama Queen.

And thank you all for letting us share our Christmas with you! And thanks for all of your Christmas wishes. I promise I will get caught up on the comments after the big day! Merry Christmas and Best Wishes from me, my sweetie, and my kiddos at Twelve Makes a Dozen.

The End.

Just kidding...I'll be back tomorrow.
(And the puns just go on and on...)


  1. I buy christmassy jammies. I may have to try to make some! Very cute. And Merry Christmas.

  2. They look great! Merry Christmas!

  3. Awesome! I love the shirts. We also give our kiddos jammies on Christmas Eve it is such a fun tradition. I hope the rest of your Christmas was great!

  4. These are adorable. You are always putting me to shame. I THOUGHT about making the kids all jammies for Christmas but after the month it took to make the Halloween costumes, I chickened out. You are so industrious. Okay -- maybe NEXT year!
