
Dec 23, 2011

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Every year (usually a bit closer to New Year's Eve) my sweetie and I spend an hour or two evaluating the year and what our new year might bring. Since I started on this Charles Dickens thing, I decided it might be fun to speculate on where my life and the lives of my loved ones might be next year at this here are my thoughts on Christmas 2012 or Christmas Yet to Come. Keep in mind that this is all guessing (and wishing) and not necessarily backed up with any amount of certainty. I'll let you figure out which ones are wishes and which are inevitable.

Bossy and Gamer and their little brood...
Gamer will re-enroll in school and finish the last few classes he needs to complete his Associates Degree. Bossy will keep working for DCFS and maybe (hopefully!) get pregnant. Bean Dip will continue to improve in school and become an excellent student. Taco will win in several Reflections categories and become the star of the soccer field. Burrito will start Kindergarten and learn to read. He will NOT become the soccer star because he doesn't really seem to like soccer that much...maybe basketball.

Gym Rat...
He will finish his degree and get married! 'Nuff said.

Drama Queen...
She will graduate with her degree in Secondary Ed and find a nice guy to practice the scenes from Romeo and Juliet. No wedding bells, but maybe some kind of a ring???

She will graduate with her degree in Elementary Ed, get an amazing job at her favorite elementary school where she will meet a cute single male teacher, get married within six weeks, buy a house and and work hard to fill it with cute little baby Teaches.

Dog Walker...
He will graduate from high school and become an amazing scout leader until it's time to go on a mission for our church. With his strong testimony he will be an amazing missionary!

She will bring down the house with her performance in Sleeping Beauty, convincing dance studios everywhere that she could single-handedly revive their weakening programs...but she will stay at C&C because she loves the people there and after all, they made her what she is today. (lol) She will also start high school, earn her drivers license, turn 16 and start dating. Maybe there is even a first kiss for her somewhere in 2012. We are going to have to invest in a big stick!

Prima Donna...
With her six Reflections wins, she will advance our first entry to the National competition but just to keep her from getting too big-headed, she will only take second place.

She will finally be old enough to join the Young Women's group at our church. Pointe shoes have got to be part of her 2012 as will another amazing run at being the Girl Scout Cookie Queen. Who knows? She might even start looking at boys!

After basketball, maybe baseball will be part of 2012. Defnitely a little more football, some cursive, and multiplication tables. He already likes girls, so I'm not too worried about that.

She might become the very best reader in her class! With five entries moving on in Reflections she could easily be declared the PTA Queen or maybe the king...she much prefers cute little skirts to pants.

A first kiss might be in his 2012 too...all the girls around here, old and young, just LOVE his curly blond hair. In the fall he will start preschool (he's already signed up!) and he can start swimming lessons and learn to ride a two-wheeler. Maybe he can teach the Drama Queen. That's one of the few skills she hasn't mastered.

Baby Doll...
Talking, running, jumping on the tramp...there are so many things for a one-year-old to learn! I can't wait to see what the new year brings for her. Hopefully not the stomach issues she has had this week...she ate Princess's little clay nativity (all non-toxic) but the diarrhea has been awful. Like they say, this too shall pass.

My Sweetie...
He will be happy and healthy and content with his job. He will be silly and attentive and paint my toenails once a month. He will also take me out to dinner and listen while I yack his ear off because women need to say about 5000 words each and every day. Hey, maybe that's why I like blogging...

I will try to update my blog at least every other day because if I keep up with every day I may just run out of stories to tell. Maybe I will sell a little Tupperware, maybe not... I guess a new baby could be part of our new year (NO, this isn't an announcement), but if the Lord is willing, we would be happy to have one more, although next month I'll be 47 so my biological clock must be ticking although since I'm so old, I can't really hear it. I will try for the ten thousandth time to be more organized, lose weight, and be more patient.  You would think after almost 30 years of setting the same New Year's goals that I might be able to accomplish ONE of them! And maybe I will even learn to troubleshoot my own computer since I've been off the network all day and I'm typing this on the laptop because my computer doesn't want to play nice.

What are your plans for 2012?


  1. These events can be changed! I'll change!

  2. I think those are wonderful wishes for your family and I hope that a lot of them come true!

  3. Who says I haven't gotten my first kiss?...:)

  4. Anytime one of our pc's stops talking to the others or the router, I reboot/restart the modem, then the router, then each pc affected. Most times that solves the problem. Working at a pc helpdesk comes in handy, you tend to pick up some tricks to troubleshoot pc issues.

  5. Such great photos and "wishes" for your kids. I love the idea, maybe if I get my act together I may steal the idea for my blog?
