
Oct 18, 2011

The Dog Walker

If you are looking for more information on Nate, his blog name is the Dog Walker. We just read his awesome article from the Mormon Times and we are happy to share more about him. For Merit Badge stories, read here and here. For Autism and his diagnosis info, start here and follow the links. For his obsession with JB, read here and then here. For just goofiness in general, try this one.  Thanks for stopping by!

If you didn't come from the mormontimes article, check it out online at


  1. Thank you, you've given me much to read! I'm looking forward to all the "here" buttons!

  2. You always try to tell everyone about my disguise.

  3. I just read the mormontimes article! I love it! I wish that my brother who has autism was a little younger so he could go on and follow Dog-Walker's example and do so well with scouting! I hope that the other boys in the troop learned a thing or two from him! My husband is pretty impressed as well, he is telling me how time consuming some of those merit badges were!

  4. You commented on a blog post about my brother who we got his 64 merit badges on his sash for him and he is going to start his Eagle Project. Anyway, yes my brother is 40 this year and loves scouting, unfortunately many of his early scout leaders were "afraid" of him and would not involve him in activities. He is such a loving and caring person and is so excited to get his Eagle. As I looked at who you were, I realized that I have seen the tv stories and read articles about your son- my daugther Valesca Throckmorton goes to Bingham with him and was actually planning on going to his court of honor, but I can't remember why she was unable to attend. Small world.

  5. Thanks for all the links! Off to do some reading...

  6. Congrats again to Nate! He sure is famous!
