
Oct 19, 2011

Curly's Gratitude List

Everybody should have a little curly tow-headed three-year-old boy! He adds an interesting perspective to life that is just lacking when he is not around. So today we were getting ready to have lunch. He and I were the only ones at the table, and he said, “Wait! Don’t eat yet! We haven’t said the prayer!” He folded his hands on his plate and looked at me expectantly. I folded my hands and closed my eyes, but before I could say anything, he began his own little prayer. “Dear Heavenly Father…” I strained to hear his muffled voice since he'd tucked his chin down and buried his face on his hands. “Thank you for the food, thank you for my family,” my boy’s prayers are always full of gratitude. In fact, he is just grateful in general. After he finished all the easy thank yous, he moved to some that were more unique. “Thank you for don’t letting things break, thank you for don’t getting run-overed” he mumbled, “Thank you for don’t letting monsters eat me, thank you for don’t letting windows break…thank you for don’t letting people break…the end.” I gently reminded him of the proper way to close his prayer as I smiled to myself. I think he should have had a chat with Heavenly Father about the broken thing a few days ago…remember his little finger is broken? And I’m pretty sure I broke mine tonight at volleyball. I’ll keep you posted. Meanwhile, maybe I’ll start working on my own gratitude list. I’m glad monsters don’t eat me either.


  1. I love listening to children pray! So sweet and honest!

  2. An child like 'attitude of gratitude' is a wonderful thing to have and so are tow-headed kids :-)

    Have a great week :-)

  3. I love the tenderness of a child's prayer!!!

  4. My favorite kids prayer ever was my 3 year old niece and her "please help Faith (her oldest sister) be nice to me and give me her cookie"

  5. How adorable! One year when my boys were pre-teens I decided it was going to be the year of gratitude and made them all write thank you cards for each and every Christmas gift they got.

    My then 9 year old, wrote to his cousin "My mom is making me write this so....thanks"

    I love it!

  6. That is so stinking cute! I love the things that kids say!

  7. Very sweet post! I love what children say in prayers. They do pray with gratitude. We should be more like them.
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying the moments.

  8. Oh my word! Can't get sweeter than that!

  9. How cute! It's little things like this that make me so excited to have kids!

  10. That is precious. What a sweet sweet boy!
