Jul 10, 2011

Rockin' the Baby

I know I hardly ever do any of those linky things, but when Shell on Things I Can’t Say, suggested the Baby Bumps first and now the actual babies, I didn’t want to miss a chance to show off all my cute little ones! My friends tell me you can always tell one of our babies because they all basically look the same. What do you think? I’m thinking similar in looks, but very different in personality.
This is Bossy on the day I graduated from the University of Utah in the summer of 1986.
This is the Gym Rat on his first birthday, shortly before he totally destroyed a cake!
This is the Drama Queen, totally tuckered out during a trip to Idaho in 1990.
Here's a cute pic of Teach in the fall of 1991. We don't have very many pictures from our old house, so these are particularly fun.
The Dog Walker, being the king. As you can see, he isn't wearing any pants.
The Princess hated having her picture taken when she was little. These were done at the elementary school in the fall of 1997. Obviously that changed as she got older...
This is the Prima Donna's first birthday pic in 1999. As you can see, she is totally ready to pounce!
Crafty has always been known for her huge hazel eyes. She's about four months old in this pic. When she was little, people often commented that she looked like a Precious Moments doll.
I love this hospital pic of Sport because of the color of his hair! How often do you see the dark hair with the extremely blond tips in a newborn? He looks like he just left SuperCuts...
Scout had the prettiest auburn hair when she was little! This is her at about 8 months old. Sadly, by the time she was a year it was all gone and when it came back in it was a sandy blond.
This is Curly at about 9 months (when he was not so curly). He started going with me to play volleyball when he was less than a week old. We switched to basketball in January when he was six months old. He loved chasing the balls around the gym.

This is Baby Doll in December of 2010. She had jaundice from the time she was born in October. She was so yellow on her blessing day that we didn't take pics until a few days later. She is about 2 months old. There you have it...a dozen eggs hatched into a dozen babies. And no, they aren't cheaper by the dozen! (But they are really cute!)


Galit Breen said...

Oh my goodness! So many beauties! Love seeing them all there as {really!} littles!

MamaRobinJ said...

What an amazing bunch! Love all the little faces.

Kiddothings said...

I'm always drawn to chubby babies and Dog Walker looks real chubby in that picture! They're just lovely and look quite different actually.

Anonymous said...

They are all adorable, and i think they look very different!

Unknown said...

So much cuteness! I love their little faces.

Anonymous said...

I think they all look different. I love all the styles of baby hair they had.

Leighannn said...

The picture of Dog Walker makes me laugh so hard!! He's just chillin' Being the king!!
So hilarious!

Love all those babies... how blessed are you!!

Shell said...

They are all so precious! No wonder you just kept having them! ;)

Anonymous said...

That's a darlin' dozen you've got there!

Stephanie said...

Look at all of them, so cute!

Sara Lucinda Bell said...

Aw all 12 are adorable!

Heather said...

You are amazing for just keeping all those baby pictures straight! They are gorgeous!

Jen said...

Wow!! What a gorgeous bunch of kids!

Nicolette said...

Love each and every picture. So cute!

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness. They are all so adorable. Love the burger king hat and no pants.

Jayme said...

Such cuties! All of my babies have hospital photos with that same background despite being born at several different hospitals :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What wonderful pictures! I particularly like the Dog Walker pic - too cute!

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

Wow, these pictures are priceless!! I love the one of Sport? I think with the "highlighted" hair :) They are all so cute! You are amazing.

Stacey said...

so cute... I can't believe how much Princess looks the same!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Awesome! There are all so cute, but I love the picture of the Burger King. :) He's hysterical.

mCat said...

So so cute! We had the same airplane jumper! Saved mine and the boys' lives!

Natalie said...

Oh wow! I'm proud of you keeping all of that straight...they are all so cute...but each in different ways. Thanks for sharing :)

Mad Woman behind the Blog said...

You have truly been blessed. Such great pics of very cute kids.

Tylaine said...

Oh My Gosh! Those are some gorgeous babes! How blessed you are! :)
And I do totally love that one of sport. Beautiful hair!

Cam said...

so many babies, how awesome! great little personalities too!

Renegades said...

Wow you must be soooooooooooo busy.

I can't even imagine the laundry.


MommyLisa said...

I agree. I would need a laundromat and helpers. I have enough with just the four of us.