
Mar 2, 2024

Traveling as Two - Griffith Observatory

Thursday was our last full day in California and my sweetie's list still included the Griffith Observatory and he wanted us to get some steps. So after breakfast, we headed for the beach.

Then we packed a lunch and set the GPS to the Observatory. 

Griffith Park was really busy and we had to walk halfway up Hollywood Mountain before we finally made it to the front door of the Observatory. Can you see the Hollywood sign behind us?

After the hike, we were pretty tired, so we bought tickets to see the star show.

Then we wandered through the Observatory.

The hike back to our car was much easier going down...

The traffic was terrible and it was late by the time we got back to the condo, but my sweetie still cooked these amazing steaks for dinner.

We got plenty of steps and after we ate, we watched a movie as we slowly packed for the flight home.

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