
Mar 1, 2024

Traveling as Two - Driving the PCH

Wednesday started out pretty much the same. Once my sweetie's friends knew he was working, lots of meetings started popping up.

Of course, I, being the dutiful wife, started another book on my kindle.

By late afternoon, I was getting stir crazy so we left the condo in search of the perfect sunset. The PCH was open, so we drove it all the way to Dana Point.

We turned around at Dana Point and then looked for a little mom-and-pop shop to get some ice cream. My sweetie thought the name of this place was hilarious.

So we pulled over.

I ordered a root beer freeze and my sweetie couldn't resist the banana split.

We ate on their cute tables, but as the sun dropped lower, we decided to drive. I love seeing the sun set above the water.

So glad it finally stopped raining. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful drive! We'll be down in Southern California later this year and I. Can't. Wait. I miss the ocean! And family. Yeah, I miss family too. :)
