
Jul 7, 2023

Review: Cobra Strike

Starlux Games is always so great at letting us try out their games! Cobra Strike is one of my new favorites.

Once again, I asked my Girl Scouts if they would like to play. I had 8 girls and when I opened the box, it looked like it was made for 4 players. That is only true if you are unwilling to think outside the box.

Scout didn't want to play, so Skittles stepped in as Baby Doll's partner. We had a large grassy area, so we had four kids in the middle and they each had a partner in the outer corners. Inside had a clip with a wheel and the outside partner was supposed to collect as many wheels as they could. When their own wheel was stolen, both partners were out.

Then we switched up the rules and played again. I love that this game is so versatile.

Thanks, Starlux, for another awesome game!

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